Chapter 19 - Lily

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after the ride into the middle of now where you get to the base and I see all the cars I once saw everyday and I realise how much I miss this place.
"you ready babe?" Lucas says to me after opening the door to me. these guys really aren't bad, they just come from the wrong up bringing and this is really one of the only jobs their good at that are legal.

we walk in and everyone is there. I get hellos and welcomes and we missed you and stuff like that but when I say I need to visit the boss they know it's serious and let me go to his office.

I get to his office and knock on the door using our secret knock. 4 knocks then 2 seconds, 2 knocks and then 5 seconds. he opens the door and let's me in and I realise that Rosie is also in there. I run over to her and pick her up hugging her.
"hey flower, how are you?" I say while twirling her around in the air. she's giggling while trying to reply so I can't make much of it. I put her down and sit on a chair only for her to come over and sit on my lap.

"may this is serious. if you're going to leave we need to take everything including Lily. you can't leave her here, she needs you." he says sitting at his desk finding papers and moving things around, he's nervous. I move my chair closer and grab his hand and stroke it with my thumb.

"calm down nick. I know I have to get my stuff in order and I will. I know about lily and where she is it's just what am I meant to do with her, I don't think the boys will be very happy with her I mean she will probably just annoy them I mean they hardly get an sleep as it is." I say sadly I mean I want her there but it will be go much hassle.

"are you serious may. you need to take her. she's needs you and a better life take her, it will do good I promise you. better then it would here but you still need to train is to do some tracking and stalking and stuff and I will message you about stuff and I will need to be replied." he sounds worried and honestly I would be to if you were losing one of the best in the buiness but I need to do something for me for once.

"I know nick. whenever you message I will respond, no matter what. I will help train them but otherwise you will just have to call me and I'll explain. honestly I'm going to miss it here but I'm doing what I want to do and I'm sorry that it's hurting you, you I know I would never ever what to do that you have been there for me when no one was and honestly I can't began to explain how much you mean to me and if I ever need to do anything you know I really helped me and I owe you big time."i sincerely mean this, he was there when no one was. he was the one to pick me up when I fell and without him I wouldn't have money, or friends or a proper family but now I have my old family back and ever since Luke's back I have gotten most of my memories back and how I always had a guy there for me to be there for me and without them I would be different.
"you'll do anything?" I nod.
"take Lily." this will be hard.


thank you for all reading. sorry it took so long to update, I've had a lot going on and my head hasn't been with it. thank you for everything. you guys are amazing.

please vote, comment and share. thank you, love you guys.

KidnappedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora