Chapter Seven - Hospital

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-------------may's pov---------------

all I see is black. does that mean I'm dead? the pain coming from my wrist is telling me otherwise.
great they saved me, why? they don't care about me. I can hear something, crying? who would be crying I mean it's not like they would ring my mum and if they did she would probably just slap me again for ruining her reputation, it couldn't be the boys I mean I've know them for like a day, and they were the ones who kidnapped which I still dont know why.

I hear a voice, "May i'm so sorry babe I didn't mean to get you to snap I just, I'm sorry." I think that was ash.I tried to speak but I can't.
'I know you're sorry Ash and in sorry to because you think that is your fault.' I wanted to say it but I can't. I'm getting some of my feeling back I can't really feel my legs but I'm starting to feel my arms and upper body.
i can feel someone else's hand in mine, who's would that be? One of the boys maybe? the person who's holding is also crying I know because I can feel the tears on my hand, they squeeze my hand and I try and squeeze back and I was successful.

"GUYS!!" it's luke. "she just squeezed my hand back, she's okay. thank god. Maybaby please try and open up your eyes please I want to see your gorgeous hazel eyes."
'maybaby? it couldn't be him. gorgeous?' umm okay whatever. let's try. I slowly open up my eyes only to be met with Luke's. I smile and so does he before he takes me in a hug and I swear I couldn't move.
"can't. breathe."
"oh god sorry." he starts touching my face and kissing my whole face.
"are you okay? never do that again may I swear to god you scared me so much." that made me smile so maybe they do care.
"hey lover boy we care to." I look up to see the other boys. their here.they came over to the bed and basically pull me into a hug and again I feel like their holding onto my for dear life.

"okay serious now. May what the fuçk were you thinking? were you trying to give us a heart attack?" mikey says I knew they were going to be angry. I just start to cry their going to make me go back to mum.
"babe we're not going to take you back to your mum, sorry but she's a total bitçh. Were not angry just disappointed." I giggle a bit.
"you just tried to kill yourself an your giggling your crazy." luke says laughing himself.
"hey I am crazy I have papers to prove it." I'm still laughing at what mikey say my mum is definitely a bitçh.
"what papers?" 'great'
"didn't the doctor tell you?"
"tell us what?" cal says a bit annoyed. "stupid doctor." I say laughing a bit. "hey their smarter than you." ash says laughing. I pull a smirk.
"oh really, are they now? cause I'm pretty sure I know more bout medicine and health then most of them do. I've been in here quite a lot and know this place like the back of my hand." luke was about to say something when my doctor (Craig) walks in.

"hey may, again baby girl. I thought you were getting better?" okay the boys are looking at me like he's a creep but he's not, he's the best doctor and he's basically like a father to me.
"hey Craig and come on we both know I wasn't getting better, mum took them away to."
"the bitçh she can't you have to have those pills. you need them to even have a chance to get better."
"thanks for the support Craig" I say giggling.
"oh shut up much kin." he says while messing up my hair.
"come on you know I hate people touching me hair."
"to bad may." and he messes it up more. he looks up,
"and who are these young lads? hey aren't they that band that you highly obess about."
"I do not obess over them it's called dedication, there's a difference."
"yeah yeah what ever." I just roll my eyes.
"so why are they here? I mean since when are you friends with them? and do you want me to call your dad to pick you up?"
"oh a no don't worry about calling my dad there gonna take me home."
"you ran away, didn't you."
"you could say that."
"okay whatever just don't rape her." I just laugh.
"really that's what you say."
"well what am I supposed to say give you back to that so called mother cause I know if you go back I will see you more and I don't want to." I put my hand to my heart and fake cry. "wow nice to know you care." he laughs.
"really may really." I laugh to.

"okay serious. who's blood?"
"mine actually, I donated it a while back and we're both B+."
"thank go so don't have some strangers blood." I look over the boys and like really confused and I just laugh.
"may what are you laughing at." Craig asks, I just point to the boys and starts to laugh to.
"do you want to explain or should I since I'm the one that's actually a doctor."I just laugh because he knows I know everything about these.
"every time I do this I have a blood transfusion cause I run out of blood so I just someone else's blood in me to keep me alive. the things we were talking about before were my medication for my depression, anxiety, panic attacks, hunger tablets so you get hungry, ones to keep my food down and sleeping pills. um is that all I need to tell them?" I ask looking at Craig.
"yeah that's pretty much it. I'll get your subscriptions and medication that you well take and food because I know you haven't eaten." I look up at him. "thanks."
"you're welcome baby doll, and they are probably going to have a few questions for you." pointing to the boys. "figured."


hey guys.

sorry I haven't been updating I've got exams coming up and I have to study and stuff like that.... it's boring

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love you 😘❤️

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