"Disqualified. Next, please?"

The lady looked up at him, puzzled. "Bu-but sir, I haven't even presented my résumé-"

"Next person?" Lexis interjected in a bored tone. The lady sighed dejectedly, squeezing her way out.

An extremely skinny lady made her way in, her clothes were so tight that Lexis wondered how she managed to breath. If there was any breathing space at all in the dress? Or if it were mere suffocation.

He threw her a skeptical glance. "Good morning sir," her voice came out squeaky, making Lexis cringe.

"What the hell?"

"I beg your pardon, sir?" Came the prickling voice again.

"You're unqualified for this job."

"But sir, I -"

"Next, please?"

It went on for an hour more. Lexis saw faults one way or another. Most of them had no qualifications whatsoever. The part that pissed Lexis off so much, was the man that came in and had the gut to flirt with him.

Lexis was on the verge of giving up, about to call it yet another unfortunate day, when a lady entered. He was suddenly intrigued. She was unlike the ones he'd come across.

"Good morning sir," She dropped her credentials before him.

His brows furrowed, "Have we met before?" He asked instead and scrutinized her features. "You look familiar."

She fidgeted rather nervously on her seat, averting her gaze from his. "I'm afraid not,"

Lexis nodded, not at all convinced. "Pardon my outwardness then."

"So tell me, why do you need this job? And why you find yourself eligible and fit for it?" He briefly scanned through her résumé.

She took in a deep breath. "Well.. Firstly, I'd like to..." Lexis zoned off and focused rather, on her lips. It was moving in a perfect up and down motion.

No, he wasn't a pervert. But there was something about the girl that intrigued him. Made him want to know her better. And damn, did she look pretty? Even with a bare face, a face devoid of any make up.
And staring intently at her, Lexis was convinced she was someone he knew but couldn't place where he had seen her. He racked his brain on where he had seen her before, but it came out blank. Her striking emerald green eyes shone as she spoke with pride, only he wasn't listening to what. And every time their gaze locked, she would look away, avoiding eye contact. Lexis observed.

Her short black hair was neatly packed in a bun. She was putting on a loose fitting shirt. That was as far as he could see. He glanced away and reminded himself.. He isn't a pervert. He saw her lips moved once more and he broke off his trance. Right! He was meant to be interviewing.

"You know what? I like you." He said straight forward and grinned.

"I love your fierceness and you have the traits I like," Her eyes held that defiance and Lexis knew, she would be the right person for the job.

And oh yeah, someone to finally deal with the so exhausting and super annoying David and put him in his place. To kick his sorry ass.

He couldn't help but laugh when he pictured the look on his poor, wrinkled face. "What's so amusing?" She asked carefully.

"It's nothing." Lexis paused dramatically, savoring her uneasiness. "And just so you know, you are hired."

Lexis leaned back in his seat and saw the surprise expression on her face, her eyes lighting up. He fought back a smug smile.

"Alexander Roy," He extended his hand out for her.

"Rose." And then added, "Roseline Wilson." She grasped his hand.

"Nice to meet you. And welcome to my company."

She smiled slightly, "My pleasure. Thanks for giving me this job and I assure you, you won't regret it."

"I hope not,"

Looking away from his heated gaze, Roseline gently unclasped her hand from his.

Roseline could feel his eyes on her as she turned to leave, after giving him a curt nod. He then said after her, "Bye sexy."

She scoffed, "You know, you really are annoying." Roseline hurriedly left the office, after realizing her stupid mouth had almost landed her into trouble, hoping he didn't hear her outburst. But of course he did.

"I'm your boss, you know!" He reminded as he shouted after her.

"Fuck you."

Lexis heard her say at the same time the door shut with a bang. He threw his head back and laughed.

Damn! He loved the girl already.

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