'''Let me go.. please, No.. ''

''She said fucking now.. lt go before I knock your teeth out!'' Alfie shouted walking over cleaned up pretty well.. his beard perfectly scaped, his hair done and in a  tux.

''Lets go Alfie...i'm not feeling well.. '' You whispered putting a hand on his chest as soon as your ex let go

''I'm gonna ram my hand up your arse.. so fucking far that I can rip out your fucking lungs mate.. i will rip them out and make your brother eat them..'' He spoke stepping closer

''Alfred. lets go..'' You spoke looking at him with big eyes.. seeing your eyes he nodded and put a hand on the small of your back

''Yeah go.. I'd be pissed to if I was slamming my brothers used meat.'' 

You sighed and the hand left your waist, screamig following.. you walked to Ada and took Ella ''I'm sorry.. I have to..'' 

She nodded ''I understand believe me''

A few minutes later you heard alfies voice ''Get in the car! Get in the car please'' He called after you twenty times bus you ignored him 

''GET IN THE FUCKING CAR LUV OR SO HELP ME GOD.''  He screamed and you turn around.

The now crying one month old was stretching and screaming in your arms.. you looked at Alfie with a firm frown.. mad... his eyes showed regret and pain.. he opened the Door of his car sighed 

''I'm sorry luv.. Fucking am..Let me.. '' You held his arms out for the baby and you looked at him..not wanting him to be pissed off more.. you handed Ella over.. he took her ith the most gentle touch and held her to his chest.. she stopped immediatly..

As you two go in you looked at him.. you were pissed ofcourse..but couldnt help but being kind of charmed by the way he held your baby close to his chest patting her little bum humming slightly.. the way he literally decks everyone who disrespects you.. and yes. you were ungratefull. he did everything for you.. he even bought you a house..and the only thing you do is be rude to him while he looks after you. You should repay him more often


You walked the Pram in Alfies Office not looking at him ''Hey Alfie. i've got a present for you' You smiled turning around to see a whole meeting going on

''Fucking hell love.. Not now.'' He spoke taking off his glasses 

''Your wife?'' one of the men asked watching you while licking his lips.. disgusting.. 

''Stop looking at her you sick fuck. I will blow your fucking brains out'' Alfie spoke getting up walking over with his cane

''I brought you cookies..'' You smiled looking at him with big eyes enchanting the handsome man

''Thank you love. but you have to go..'' He said taking the basket, glancing in the pram his finger gently going over the little ones nose

''Okay.. I can come back later..Ollie told me he'd babysit Ella.. I had no other choice. I've got a doctors appointment..''

''Leave her here. the fumes in the bakery wont do the little one any favors.'' He sighed 

you smiled and kissed his cheek walking out

''out those cigars men. baby in the room'''He said picking the now fussing one up and laying her against his chest walking to his seat sitting down.. Not much talk happend about business.. more like a dads united meeting.


Alfie had been spending time with Ella Alot, it had been months and she was almost a year now.. Things went well between you and Alfie since harry moved to the countryside. ALfies business decisions had gotten more.. well they got stronger due to the kids playing together.. weird.. anyway... 

You stepped into Alfies office, Ella on the floor on a white fluffy carpet playing with new toys.

''Hi!'' You smiled kneeling down kissing her head '''How was your dads united business meeting?'' You asked getting up walking over noticing him holding a wet cloth against his head

''Alfie what happend?'' You asked panic in your heart hurrying over to him

''Got fucking attacked didn't I.. Just fucking minding my business and fucking Sabini... Tried taking our girl. he did. didn't let him but he fucking tried.'' He spoke with a sigh anger falling off him 

''Alfie.. I can't let you see Ella Anymore.'' you said before realising the impact it would make. 

''You've got to be fucking kidding me!'' He said slamming his hands on the table

''You're a danger to her.'' You spoke stepping back going Ella's way

''A fuck.. A fucking danger?! I'm her father! For fucking..You can't take her away from me!'' He shouted

''Alfie look at yourself'' You spoke picking her up ''I can't.. She could have gotten hurt.''

''I raised this girl.. I am as much her father as.. You have no right.'' He spoke walking over

''You're not her father.'' You looked at Alfie, the anger and Sadness in his eyes.. it broke your heart.. because you loved this man.. but your daughter came first. you left

''Come back! Don't you! Fucking hell luv!'' He shouted as you almost ran

''COME BACK NOW!'' He screamed.

you left


It had been a few months and you walked with Ella, Yes Ella walked..You turned to the farmer and payed for the tomatoes but when you tuned back she was gone..

''Ella?'' You called out.. 

it had been fifteen minutes and full panic kicked in. 

''Ella!'' You shouted.. Relief came over you when you saw her.. but panic came again when you saw him.. he was on his knees, the little girl walking rounds around him.. giggling..jumping on him to cuddle

You hurried over and pulled her out of his arms.. ''How dare you just snatch her away..'' You spat at him

''I fucking what. get your head out of your arse luv. She came to me'' He said calmly ''She did. she just walked over.''

''Daddah'' You heard Ella say

''No not daddah.. Alfie.'' You spoke shooting daggers at him.walking off... pretty much regretting your attitude immediatly. how could one man do this to you..


That night you walked into Alfies Office 

''We need to talk'' You spoke watching him..

He was looking at a glass of alchohol.. Alfie was a recovering alchoholic.. which is why he never drink it.. testing it on his wrist... 

''Alfie what are you doing?''  You asked walking over slowly

''About to make a fucking mistake.'' his eyes were set on the glass..

You kneeled down infront of him.. ''Don't.. You've come so far..'' 

''I've got nuthing left luv.. I have money.. status..  whole fucking empire and all that is nothing without you and Ella..'' He spoke looking you right in the eyes and.. right there.. that moment.. The spark crossed.. You flew in his lap kissing him.. He kissed back hungrily. his touch making you tickly..

He got up with a groan and put you on his desk.. his hands moving to your back.. clothes were ripped and needs were met.


This one sucks..

Peaky blinders Imagines. Mostly Aflie.Where stories live. Discover now