"Rin, what...?" was all you could say upon being offered a bag of sweets of your own.

"I didn't forget about you, (y/n)! I hope you like chocolate," she beamed with a pleasant grin while presenting you with a bag, which you uncomfortably but graciously accepted.

You were completely taken by surprise that Rin made something for you too, instead of leaving you behind. A wedge of guilt about your hostile feelings for Rin began to surface before your best friend's voice distracted you and began filling your head with a fortuitous notion. 

"Aw man, now I gotta eat this whole bag by myself?" Obito blushed while pretending to be distressed, his eyes traveling to Rin, acting as though he wanted her to join him – a gesture that you somehow missed due to being stuck in your own thoughts.

"Hold on a second," you announced with a brilliant idea. "We should combine our bags together and eat everything right here and now! I bet that I could eat more squares than you!"

Rin blinked, brows knitting in concern. "Wait, (y/n), Obito, I don't think that's -"

"You're on!" Obito interrupted, not even realizing he'd cut Rin off due to his excitement. Without any more hesitation, the two of you merged your sweets together into one colossal mass of chocolate.

"Ready... and... GO!"

 You began scarfing down anything that remotely resembled a chocolate square, the hands of you and Obito constantly bumped against each other as you scrambled to reach for more sweets than him.

"I got a huge handful that time," he managed to murmur out while his cheeks extended with chocolate. "Don't cry when you end up losing, (y/n)!" 

"Shush it!" Your words came out as a barely distinguishable mumble between the chewy sweets stuffed in your mouth. "How many did you even eat so far, anyway?"

Obito paused his chewing, a panicked look spreading across his face. "I forgot to keep a count," he muttered as sweat beaded down his bulging cheeks.

"It's okay," you gulped down a large chunk before lifting up another handful to your mouth and whispered, "I lost count a long time ago."

At that, Obito chuckled while shutting his eyes, his shoulders rapidly rising and falling as he laughed in genuine adoration of your antics before stuffing his face at the same time you did, both of you had your eyes closed and sported matching smiles for one another when doing so.

Rin was speculating your little competition, her eyebrows expressing deep concern, but her subtle grin gave away how she truly felt about watching you two. 

You and Obito simultaneously reached your hands into the bag and soon found that it was now empty. Instead, the two of you ended up grabbing each other's hand and your bodies stiffened up in surprise from the suggestive contact. You exchanged shocked looks, with yours slowly morphing into a warm, softer expression, and Obito's mimicked yours shortly after. Electricity was in the air, and you couldn't help but admire the Uchiha next to you, your hands still connected; that was, until it hit the two of you.

Uh oh.

Both of your stomachs began to rumble violently - too much, they protested. Your once gentle expressions soon shifted again into one of pure panic, your faces drenched in sweat and slightly green in color. You both tried holding it together, with Obito trying the hardest, before instincts prevailed and you simultaneously bent over to void your overstuffed stomachs. Rin began walking over to your hunched over forms to offer her solace, the nervous smile and look in her eyes screamed at you - I told you so.

Rewriting History (Obito x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now