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        LATER THAT DAY, The Doctor and Quinn are working on some large device that is spread mostly over the whole of the bed

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LATER THAT DAY, The Doctor and Quinn are working on some large device that is spread mostly over the whole of the bed. Well, I say the Doctor and Quinn but it's mostly the Doctor. Quinn gave up about an hour ago.

Now, she just enjoys watching the Doctor as she doesn't see anything better to do.

"There's nothing wrong with helping, you know." Says the Doctor, his eyes not leaving the device.

The raven haired shrugged and sank further in the pile of pillows and blankets that she made for herself. "Nah! I quite enjoy it here."

The Doctor chuckles and finally looks over at her to see that only her eyes, forehead and hair are visible now. This makes him laugh, which in result makes Quinn laugh too.

A second later, a knock comes from the door and Quinn tilts her head to see Craig's outline. The Doctor goes and answer it, she tries to warn him about the traffic cone that is still tucked underneath his arm but it's too late. "Hello, flat mate." The Time Lord says cheerily.

Craig looks down at the traffic cone for a second before shrugging it off. "Hey, man. Er, listen. Er, Sophie's coming round tonight and I was wondering if you could give us some space?"

The Doctor nods. "Oh, don't mind us.You won't even know we're here." Not a moment later, there's a loud bang from upstairs. Quinn's eyes trail up to see the ceiling as she wonders what could be up there.

"That's the idea." Adds the Time Lord in a murmur before shutting the door and quickly attaching the traffic cone to the device. "Yes, perfect! What a beauty."

The Israelis woman pushes the blankets and pillows off of herself and goes over to the Doctor to look at it. She narrows her eyes and tilts her head. "If you look at it from this way it looks like the beginning of a canon."

"At least it looks like something."

"Okay, true."

There's a pause.

"Is it going to stay on the bed or do I have to sleep on the floor again?"

"Er. . ."



Craig and Sophie are sitting on the couch, in the middle of a conversation when the Doctor's head pops up from behind the couch. "Hello."


Quinn's head pops up next to the Doctor's, her eyes boring glares into the Time Lord's head. "Sorry, I tried to make him stay in the room so you two could enjoy your night," admits the Israelis woman as she sends the two humans an apologetic smile. "But sometimes he's kinda hard to keep track of."

𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬¹ (  Doctor Who ) Where stories live. Discover now