The Rise of Dekiru

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"So tomorrow is the big day?" Toshinori asked Izuku as they had a small break. "Yes" Izuku replied. "I remember the night before my exam. Have never been more nervous in my life" Toshinori said. "So how do you feel?" He added. "It's hard to describe. I'm both nervous and confident. Insecure and proud. It's the one thing I have been preparing for most of my life. If I fail, I don't know what to do and if I pass. Well, I would have become the world's first quirkless hero" Izuku said. "I see" Toshinori said "Now, wasn't there one more thing you wanted to teach me?" Toshinori asked after a moment of silence. "Right, I almost forgot" Izuku replied and quickly got up. "I have showed you all the settings on the odm-gear except the one I told you not to use. Pus Ultra mode. It pushes all of the equipment beyond their limits, giving you immense speed and strength. However, it is almost impossible to react fast enough, and the incredible speeds puts a lot of strain on your body and can lead to severe injuries and blackouts. This is especially true for you because of your medical condition. The equipment will also start to malfunction after a few minutes. The multi-spectral goggles will fall off, parts of the exoskeleton will lock up, the odm-gear will fall apart and in the end the protective shield will activate to protect you from the hard landing. This is why you only use it when there is no other way, but when you use it, there is very little that can stand in your way" Izuku explained, before activating said mode. "This is how it looks" He said before seemingly vanish and reappearing behind Toshinori, making the hero flinch. "Now you try it" Izuku said. Toshinori activated Plus Ultra mode on his odm-gear and tried it. He immediately crashed into a wall, knocking himself out.

"What the hell were you two doing!" Recovery Girl yelled at Izuku, while hitting him with her cane. "I-I tried to learn him a n-new setting on the odm-gear" He replied while protecting holding up his arms as protecting. "Well. Tell him to never use that setting again! He broke several bones and worsened his own condition from the impact" She scolded Izuku and pointed towards Toshinori who was lying in bandages on a bed. "Of course" Izuku replied. "Good. Get back to your dorm now, it's an important day tomorrow" Recovery girl said as she walked over to Toshinori. "I know" Izuku said and left.

The next night

Loud music could be heard from the dorm of 3-A. The entire class had passed the final exam and they were now certified heroes. Which of course meant having a big party. After a while Izuku needed a break from the party and took a walk around the UA campus. That is when he ran into someone. "Midoriya. Aren't you supposed to be with the rest of the class?" Aizawa asked. "I know. I just need some time for myself" Izuku answered. "Then you wouldn't mind me joining, would you" Aizawa stated.

After walking silence for a while Aizawa let out a small snicker, making Izuku confused. "Kind of funny that almost every time we have an important conversation, we have it while walking around the campus" Aizawa said. "Let me guess. You want to talk about the exam?" Izuku asked. "Yes" Aizawa replied. "I'm not supposed to tell you your score yet, but just between us" He said before making sure no one was around. "You had the highest score out of everyone" the teacher whispered. "What!?" Izuku exclaimed. "B-but I was sure Bakugo did the physical part better than me?" He stuttered. "It is true that he did do better than you physically" Aizawa acknowledged "There was a secret criteria, much like in the entrance exam. There is a reason UA produces so many great heroes. And that is because we measure people based on heroism, not pure fighting abilities, like many other schools" Aizawa explained. "Okay" Izuku responded. "You should go back to the others now. I'm sure your girlfriend is waiting for you" Aizawa suggested. "I'm sure she does" Izuku answered slightly flustered and began heading back to the dorm. "And Midoriya?" Aizawa called out. "Yes?" "I'm proud of you" said fondly. "Thank you" Izuku replied and walked away before Aizawa could see him starting to tear up. "You will do great things problem child" Aizawa said quietly to himself

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