The cavalry battle

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Not long after Izuku finished the race Todoroki came in second and Bakugo right behind in third place. One of them was significantly calmer than the other about being beaten by someone quirkless "DEKU YOU BASTARD! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO STAND IN MY WAY!? I'M SUPPOSED TO BE THE BEST!!" Bakugo shouted and charged at Izuku. When the explosive boy came close enough Izuku took out his staff and activated the noose at the of it, hooked it around Bakugo's right arm and flung him over using his momentum. "Relax Kacchan. If I do well enough you will get the chance to have a fight" Izuku told the now furious boy and walked away, waiting for his friends to finish.

When the first 42 people had finished the race, they started to prepare for the second event. Like last time Midnight stood by a spinning wheel with different events was spinning. "And the next event is!" Midnight said and pointed towards the wheel as it stopped "A cavalry battle! You will be allowed to organize in teams from two to four people. Each team will have a point value based on the points of each member. The points come from the previous event where 42nd place got five points 41st gets ten points and so on. The first place however gets 1 million points!" When Midnight said those final words, all eyes turned towards Izuku. Everyone would want to go after him since the 1 million points would guarantee first place and everyone wanted to exploit that. "You got 15 minutes to make your team and make a plan" Midnight announced, and people started making teams.

Izuku was filled with dread as he saw people teaming up without anybody approaching him. Then someone tapped his shoulder and he turned around to see Uraraka with her usual smile "Can I be on your team?" she asked "Yes, of course. Everyone will be after us though" Izuku said, dumbfounded that anyone would be on his team. "I know that, but as long as they don't catch us nothing would happen, right?" she said, giving Izuku new confidence "Yes and I think I have a plan for how we can do it. I just need another person on the team"

"No, I will not join your team" Iida told his two friends "Why?" Izuku asked "Because ever since school started you have excelled over me. I can't grow to become a better hero while in your shadow. If I want to become better, I need to fight you" Iida answered and walked over to Todoroki's team.

Izuku and Ochako walked away, trying to find another teammate when one presented themselves. "Hi! I'm Mei Hatsume, can I join your team?" asked a pinked hair girl with big red goggles and other pieces of support gear "Yeah, sure. Why do you have all off that support gear though?" Izuku asked. "I'm from the support department, so I can use the equipment I have made. The more important question is, HOW DID YOU MAKE THESE BABIES?!" "Babies? What babies?" he said taken aback by the sudden outburst. "I call my inventions for babies. Now, answer my question. Also, why do you have it to begin with?" "Well I made them my selves over several years, and I use it to compensate for my quirklessnes. I could show you the rest of my equipment at a different time if you would like" Izuku responded "So you are that quirkless from the hero course, interesting. And I would very much to see how you babies work, maybe I could improve them" The two kept on rambling about each others equipment until someone else came to talk.

"So, you are that quirkless kid. Maybe you would let me on your team?" "Huh?" Izuku looked around and saw the boy with messy purple hair that declared war against the hero course. "Sure, but didn't you declare war against us a couple weeks ago?" Izuku said "I did, but you seem like someone who understands what it means to not be blessed. The names Hitoshi Shinso by the way" The purple haired boy responded. "Also, I need to know you quirk so that I can make a strategy" "It's brainwashing. If someone responds verbally to me I can control their actions" After Hitoshi said that he looked away as he was expecting to be shunned. "That is a cool and useful quirk. If the entrance exam had been different you could probably have gotten into the hero course" Izuku said making Hitoshi turn his head and look at him again. "You don't think it is villainous?" he asked "Well, it is villainous, but that's not a bad thing. All quirks can be used for good purposes" Izuku said making Hitoshi give small smile "That's a first" He said. They then proceeded to make their strategy.

"I hope you all have made your teams as well as a strategy because the cavalry battle is starting, NOW!!" Present mic announced, and all the teams put their plans in action, most of them running straight for Izuku's team and get the 1 million points. They however, were very much prepared for this. Ochako used her quirk to cancel out their gravity and Mei used one of her inventions to gain height. When they flew above the other teams Izuku was able to use his odm-gear to the fullest, outmanoeuvring all other teams that could still reach them. When they eventually landed on the other side of the field they used Meis hover boots to soften the landing.

Shortly after they had landed a tongue tried to take the headband accompanied by purple balls flying past them. Izuku managed to dodge and find the source. Shoji was using his Dupli arms to hide Tsuyu and Mineta almost like a tank. Izuku threw a flashbang towards them, blinding shoji and his teammates. While they were blinded Izuku and his team ran in to take their headband. They immediately got away from the other teams who now had caught up to them again.

Izuku and his team managed to keep up this strategy for a good amount of time and avoided any confrontation unless it was needed. Eventually most teams had lost their headbands and now it was only a few teams that had most of the points. Izuku's team had just flown across the field again when someone came towards them from above "THAT HEADBAND IS MINE DEKU!" Bakugo shouted coming towards them by propelling himself with explosions. "Your pride will be your downfall" Shinso said calmly, trying to make the explosive teen mad "Shut up you-" Bakugo growled, but was silenced when the brainwashing quirk set into effect. Bakugo started falling towards the ground, but before he touched it he was taken back to his team by Sero's tape.

With two minutes left Izuku thought he could do it and get another first place, however the world had a different plan for him. They were about to take another jump across the field when a bunch of ice destroyed their hover-boots, making them incapable of jumping away without damaging themselves. Izuku looked toward the source of the sudden attack and saw Todoroki's team consisting of Todoroki himself, Iida, Kaminari and Momo. Todoroki then shoots out a massive wall of ice surrounding the two teams.

Iida starts up his special attack 'Recipro Burst' making the flames coming out of his exhaust pipes blue. The team starts moving towards the one million points at an incredible speed leaving little time for Izuku to think. "Uraraka make us weightless and cover your eyes!" he shouts, getting an immediate response. He then proceeds to throw a flashbang, but it is neglected by a blanket Momo made. Izuku ignores this and just shoots of using his odm-gear dragging the rest of his now weightless team with him. The two teams kept chasing eachother for a minute, even after Iida's Recipro Burst powered down.

Kaminari then sent a massive shock of electricity towards the one-million-point team. Izuku decided to use his staff and by holding onto the nonconducting parts, flipped his entire, still weightless team over the wave of electricity. This move however changed their direction, so now they were going towards the other team, without enough room to change direction. "You are really like your father aren't you Todoroki? Blessed with a powerful quirk" Shinsho said making an angry face appear on the boy with red and white hair. "I'm nothing like my-" Todoroki said, but Shinso's quirk was put into effect, allowing Izuku and his team to run past the other one without any risk of loosing their headbands. "ZERO! THE CAVALRY BATTLE IS NOW OVER! AND WHAT A ROLLERCOASTER THAT HAS BEEN!" Present Mic shouted, finishing his countdown in the last ten seconds of the battle.

A/N: FINALLY! I got another chapter done, school can really get in your way. Next chapter wil maybe probably come out tomorrow. How far will Izuku get in the battle tournaments? You will have to wait and see. Hope you all are having a good day. Goodbye.

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