A Hate Love Relationship ( reverse kevedd )

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'I am having trouble seeing you dear' said my grandma in an old lady way that made me smile.

Shes going blind, and i cant do anything!!!!! It was only a matter of time.....

As her face began to decay, her hair fell off of the husk that her face became. I turned around to find my parents waving there last goodbyes as they burnt in what was left of the crashed car. then as i turned to look behind me i see my only other relatives my aunt and uncle...there unborn child...drowning in the pacific ocean from the sunken cruise ship....i turn one last time i see myself standing in the mirror. only its not me this version of me is the broken child mourning the loss of there grand mother. then the vision changes, its me at 12 crying at my aunt and uncles funeral. It changes yet again, now im 15 im in my home reciving the letter that had my parents death certificates in it the mail man smiling sadly at me as he leaves my house. I open the letter i read it then i melt into a puddle of tears. 'NO NO NO NO NO!!!!! i told them to stay with me......i said not to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i sat bolt up right in bed, sobbing and sweating. 'It was just a dream kevin it didnt really happen' There i was lying to myself again, it did happen i just wasnt there to see it happen. This had happened before. It's been a year since the accident had happened. I was on edge because of the dream. I looked at my clock, i had 2 hours before it went off. Going back to bed wasnt an option, i was getting up. I sighed as i walked to the bathroom to get a shower. It only took 20 min to get out i had alot of time on my hands. i got dressed in tan khaki pants, a white button up shirt, a grey sweater vest and my red hat with the quiz bowl insignia on it. i still had an hour and a half i wasnt hungry, so i went to my collection of supernatral seasons (1-8) and chose season 3. 'I'll watch this untill school' i thought.


She looks at me with a sarcastic smile on her face, then she slaps me. " mother?" i say. my father walks up with a disgusted look on his face he bends down to pick me up. " you disgust me boy" he says just low enough for me to hear. i look at him as he puts me down im in a box. one of those plasyic omes that you fold the top over on. They shut the lid, and leave me there. Everything is black then i hear someone come near the box. they open it and see me. "what a fine young fellow" he says. he looks at me once more then leaves me to fend for myself. then all of a sudden im pulled out of the vision. I look at my surroundings, but all i see is white. And then the voice comes " you are disgusting" " i hate your face boy get it out of here" " no not him i dont want him i want to play with normal children mummy " " no he's not my child but the state is paying me to take care of him " They echo around me, pumbling me to the point where i cant breath any more.

I wake up panting, i can still hear them ringing in my ears. 'its fine Edd they dont exisx' lying gets you no where tho, they do exist but only in my memories. now im alone and unwanted but i dont have any reminders here. I looked at my clock. It was 6:15. I was only 15 minuets off from my normal time. i went and took a shower. it took 20 minuets for me to be finnished with my shower afyer that i get out and dress in black skinny jeans, a black tee, my leather jacket, and my black and white beanie. I lace up my cobat boots as i leave my room. I cant eat anything after the dream so i walk to school extra slow.


I make it to class as the warning bell rings and sit in my usual seat next to a boy who sleeps through mpst of class. I sit and wait for the bell as Eddward walks in, My breath catches in my throte as he walks to his seat in front of me. "How nice" i say not realising i had said what i had thought in my head. "What was that, pumpkin?"


I herd Kevin say something, so asking what, seemed like the appropriate respose would be to ask what he said. I guess not. he just sat there with this shocked experession. Mabey i did something wrong so i just shruged and turned around.


Fuck....im so pathetic i cant evan talk to him.....wat am i supposed to do


'Mabey i should ask him out today' I thought as i passed Kevin in the hall. Mmmmmm Kevin. He is such a cutie pie. Sure i had a rep but i would giv it all up for Pumpkin.

((this is my new story so if you dont like it tell me cuz i need to make up for my previuse fuck up))

A Hate Love Relationship ( reverse kevedd )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon