part 8

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((( couldn't think of a better name for the chapter. And also I'm sorry, again for the lateness of my update.)))

After I left Edwards house, and walked home, I opened the door of my parents room. I relived every moment of their life. The happy, the sad, the hurtful, and in the end, I regretted every single moment of my existence.
I walked to the bath room, and I got in the shower. I did the one thing that I told myself I wouldn't do. I burst into tears, I just stood there and cried.
"I r-really need to st-stop doing th-this" I said in between sobs. I shook and cried, and when I couldn't cry anymore I got out. I put on some PJs and curled up on the couch. I watched some TV until I got a text.
UNKNOWN: Leave Edd alone.
KEVIN:Who is this?
UNKNOWN: That's not important, just leave Edd alone.
KEVIN: No, you can't make me.
UNKNOWN: You wanna try me?
KEVIN: I don't have to, if you text me again I'll tell Edd.

I curled up on the couch and watched Saw, I couldn't stop thinking about this morning. Was I weird? Does he think I'm insane? Probably, that sucks! I hate that I'm so weird! Its so hard to have any kind of relationship with anyone. If I don't stop being so weird, I'm not gonna have any friends.
I watched for a while more, and then decided to text Pumpkin.
Edd: Hey, Pumpkin ;)
Kevin: Hey, Edd :)
Edd: you should come back over.
Kevin: I thought you'd never ask.

A Hate Love Relationship ( reverse kevedd )Where stories live. Discover now