Holy shit. Super sorry

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Wow guys, its been a while... Sorry for putting this off for so long... Today I'm writing to tell you that I'm out of ideas. It's been a long time, and I'm very sorry... But... I think this is it guys, i can't think anything else to do with this. So... This is it.

The mystery texter is, as you probably know, Jimmy.

5 years later---
EDD- I smile at the redhead next to me in the car, "So, where to, Pumpkin?" I ask, looking back at the road, "it's our anniversary, what restaurant do you want?" I ask, kissing his hand lightly as we drive, thinking about the ring in my pocket as he listed good food places. "Let's go to that nice Italian place." He says, smiling excitedly, "I'm so very excited...." He says, kissing my cheek as I start to drive for the restaurant, making me smile slightly, "Kevin... What do you think about... Marriage?" I ask, biting my lip nervously. "Well, I think it's unnecessary, but also very helpful. You can share health insurance... Hm... You can have kids... Buy a house" he smiles, "why? You saying something?" He laughs, looking over at me, his face sobering up quickly, "do you wanna get married? We can." He says, looking up at the road, "I'd love to marry you" he whispers, smiling slightly. "Really, Pumpkin?" I ask, looking over at him, my face lighting up, "I love you so much! You have no clue. Will you marry m-"
Lights... Why are their so many lights? What's that noise.... A siren? Why? Where am I? Where's Kevin?.... Kevin... Kevin... Where? What? "Kevin...." Black. Darkness. Nothing.

EMT- We got a call for an ambulance at a four way downtown, near that little Italian restaurant that mama loves. A car got into an accident with a bus, I feel bad for people sometimes. I wonder what happened.... Well... There it is. The scene is horrible. A puzzle of crushed metal and glass. Blood. It's covering the road. Pooling in the pesky pot hole in the middle of the road. Fatal..... My mind came to the conclusion that we'd need a bag from the back, "okay Nick.... Get a bag." I say, getting out of the ambulance and running over to the car, pulling on the door, which popped off the frame pretty easily, "shit..." I whisper, looking over the scene. Two men. One with black hair, the other with red. The redhead was almost completely crushed by the door from where the bus had hit. I checked for a pulse on the ravenette, getting a faint one, "Nick! I need some help!" I call, listening to the footsteps of my partner. "Live one? He asks, dropping next to me, helping me pull the man out, "go check..." I look up, seeing a pair of vacant green orbs staring at me, "go make sure he's dead..." I said to Nick, shaking my head and starting to check the ravenette. Gash to the forehead.... Broken leg.... Fractured arm.... Cracked ribs.... Four.... He'll make it to the hospital.... My mind assured me that I'd Save a man today, but my chest still squeezed at the image of the redhead, "poor guy..." I whisper, looking down as I hear a metallic clink.... A ring....

((((((Sorry.... Did you cry? Yeah you did. That's it. That's all I got. I'm sorry. I might do something else but I'm not sure. I'm sure you hate me now. *Hugs* it'll be okay))))))

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