wen junhui drabble #2

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Pairing: wen junhui x f

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wen junhui x f.reader

Genre: fluff + slight angst + hybrid au

Special Request: Badass reader that's only nice to Jun

Length: 1.6k

A/N: Now I know I'm super late for Jun day and this was a request made ages ago and you didn't request a hybrid au - BUT! It's out, okay? That's what counts! And, of course, your satisfaction upon reading this too! Please enjoy the read and ignore all my amateur mistakes!!!


"Quit it or I'll bite"
"If I die I'm gonna haunt your ass"
"Looks like we're gonna be stuck here for a while"

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Being a hybrid of a rare predator species, you were always kept away from everyone else. Isolated from the other hybrids who willingly embraced the segregation, staring on at you with fearful eyes as they kept their distance.

For a long period of your life, you hated yourself. Not only for being a hybrid but for the type of hybrid you were - a black panther. Deadly and misunderstood.

Many people were afraid of you lashing out at them, people and hybrids all the same. No one has ever taken the time to get to know you and it's frustrating; you are a good person, you don't act out aggressively, not once have you ever done so in your life but that didn't matter to them. They didn't care enough to approach you themselves and start a conversation.

You're always alone and the inevitable fate of a lonely life only ending in euthanasia was an already accepted future. You had given up on life; what was the point of fighting for change when the cards you were dealt had put you at a very low disadvantage.

That was your life until he came and rescued you...

✚          ✚          ✚

He had come to the hybrid adoption centre, indecisive of who he wanted his new companion to be.

He was the son of a rich businessman and was studying in order to assure his father's conscience for when he'll one day inherit the company from him. Growing up in the shadow of his father, he hadn't been able to experience true friendships as his only relations were made with ill intention by greedy, manipulative people as well as between the children of his father's colleagues. It wasn't ideal so now that he can legally adopt his own hybrid, he was eager to gain a true friend and so desperate that he was willing to buy them.

You once called him pathetic for being so desperate but you were now only eternally grateful to him for adopting you. Picking you out from your lonely corner, ignoring all other hybrids that clambered and begged for his attention, knowing that they'll be well taken care of in his supervision if his sophisticated attire and sickly-sweet scent was anything to judge by.

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