soonyoung . drabble | 2

175 8 1

Pairing: Soonyoung x R

Genre: Fluff + (only briefly mentioned, sorry Doll)

Length: 1k

Drabble Prompt:

"Can we just watch a movie and fall asleep on the couch?"

"Why do you only kiss me when I'm sleeping?"

"Well, you're coming home with me whether you like it or not."

✖︎         ✖︎         ✖︎        ✖︎

You watched as his passionate flame for dance consumed his body under the florescent gaze of the lights above. 

In your eyes, there was nothing but admiration for the male before you. Even though his lean and taught frame was perspiring profusely - as if there was a heat wave in the room - and his once fluffy tufts of hair had become dense with the weight of his sweat, his confidence and fervour made your heart beat deafeningly in your ears. The beats of your love-drowned organ melted into the musical notes of the air around you, attempting to reach his own heart and express the deep love you harbour for him. 

Such feelings should always remain shut away though, for the sake of your valuable friendship. 

It was clear that he didn't reciprocate any emotion of the like for you and you were okay with were okay with just being his friend, at least, that was what you were trying to convince yourself. 

There were many other girls that were far better suited for him than you were, they liked his unique humour, you valued being strict and proper; they were fashionable and pretty, you cared better for comfortability that came with unexcitable plainness; they matched his colourful personality whereas you were a dull, grey palette. Often times, he would openly voice compliments towards random girls that catch his eyes in public and you would nod along painfully just to keep from being suspected of your true emotions. It's painful but you had been dealing with it ever since you realised your true feelings for him, and so, everything was able to numb down slightly. 

Attempting to distract yourself, you allowed your eyes to wonder and widen at the incredulous clock face hanging on the far side of the dance studio. 

That was the time?!

"Soonyoung! It's already super late and we haven't even eaten yet, come on!"  you declared, abrupting stopping the music before setting out to pack up your things. 

"What?" he blinked owlishly at the clock before whistling, "wow, time really flies when you're having fun." he laughed in agreement of the lateness but didn't take a single step to leave. 

"Come on, let's hurry up and go!" pushing at him.

"But I don't want to go home!" he whined as you bit back an adoring sigh at his cuteness. 

"Well, you're coming home with me whether you like it or not!"

"Alright bossy, no need to be all pushy." like the teasing fellow he was at heart, just to squeeze a reaction from you, he took an elongated amount of time picking up his hoodie and retying his shoelaces. 

"Hurry up!" you would have been much more patient if you hadn't seen the grin etched across his face when looking at your tapping foot but it was already late and you both needed to get home so you gave him a kick at his behind. 

"Yeah yeah!" he laughed in spite of the slight sting forming on his butt. 

After what seemed like forever, you had both began heading home. Naturally, as you were best friends and attend the same university, you both shared an apartment together. This didn't help your out-of-control emotions but you always loved his company and, having already envisioned the future he wouldn't be sharing with you, you wanted to spend as much time with him as you possibly could. 

"When we get home, I'm going to cook something for the both of us. Can you remember if we have food at the house or not?" you enquired, getting ready to pull out of the parking space, eyes squinting in the darkness of the night. 

"Can we just watch a movie and fall asleep on the couch?" he whined as you laughed. 

"I'm not going to bed on an empty stomach and neither are you, so please..." you lightly plead. 

"Alright fine..." he hummed in thought, "I think we still have enough food."

"You better not be lying to me Kwon Soonyoung." 

"I would never lie to you (Y/N)." the seriousness in his voice caught you off guard but you shook it off as quickly as possible and focused back on the road. 

"Okay...I trust you." he smiled from your peripheral, prompting you to smile as well before you allowed music to take over the atmosphere of the car for the rest of the ride back to your quaint apartment. 

Upon arriving and parking at your designated parking space, you and your companion made your way into the apartment building. As soon as you arrived at the kitchen, you were happy to find enough ingredients to cook a steamed egg casserole. You can easily make a really big one, then cut it in half to share between the two of you. 

Humming to yourself, you set to work on cooking, missing the adoring eyes that followed your movements for several minutes before heading to the living room and collapsing on the couch. 

In due time, the steamed egg casserole was ready and with its two halves set on separate plates, you walked out into the living room ready to serve, only to find your friend asleep on the couch. Shaking your head with a chuckle, you went over and - after placing the two plates down - you sat on the floor beside him. 

He looked so peaceful and at rest that you couldn't bring yourself to disturb him, instead you draped a blanket over his sleeping figure and placed his share of the food in the fridge after allowing it to cool down enough. There was an essay that you needed to get done and after eating your own meal, you checked on Soonyoung one last time. 

"Pleasant dreams Hoshi." you cooingly whisper, brushing the hair from his forehead and leaning down to place a secret kiss on his forehead. For a moment, you moved downwards, lips hovering over his own, all you had to do was pucker your mouth and...


Only managed an insatiable brushing of lips, you pulled away.

You were being absolutely selfish if you were to steal a kiss, taking full advantage of his sleeping state.

You couldn't do that, and so, you were quickly rushing to your room, your back turned to the open-eyed male on the sofa. 

"Why do you only kiss me when I'm sleeping?..." he sighed and touched his lips, "At least try when I'm awake so I can finish the job for you..." 

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