jun hao . drabble | 1

347 6 1

Pairing: JunHao

Genre: Angst

Length: 1k

Drabble Prompt:

"Hold my hand so he gets jealous"

"Don't touch me. We're fighting."

"I can't stand seeing you like this."

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How Jun found himself in a situation like this was beyond him. It was very cliche and he never thought life would ever play out that way for him, no matter how cringeworthy his pick up lines were.

His current circumstance is as surreal as any commonplace romantic tragedy.

He had two best friends: Minghao, someone he's had in his life since childhood, and Meili, the girl he's been in love with since high school. Together they battled against tough times. Together, they created unforgettable memories of bliss. Together, they got into their desired college.

They built themselves up together...and Jun felt as though he would ultimately be the one to shatter everything.

He felt selfish for wanting her attention only on him but he also felt ashamed for hating the object of his crush's affections - Minghao.

The rage within him was unreasonable because Minghao had been there through thick and thin, he's the most amazing friend Jun could ever ask for. Without him, Jun wouldn't have taken on dance and...he would never have met Meili.

During the entirety of high school, Jun had strived to capture her eye the way Minghao effortlessly did. In his own way, Jun disguised his intimate emotions behind seemingly innocuous skinship with a touch that always lingered a second too long, selfless gestures that didn't always benefit him and playfully making teasing comments that he was sure made his emotions clear.

She was blinded though. Blinded by the imperfect perfection that Minghao was. Everything about him was perfect and the only stubborn blemish staining his golden reputation was the fact that he continuously remained ignorant to Meili's fondness.

Now that years had gone by, Jun hoped that he would've gotten over his feelings but her charm was shining brighter than ever now that she was a young woman in her early twenties.

He knew that he had to end things but he just couldn't...

However, it wasn't until she brought up the terrifying idea of having him help her make Minghao jealous, did he finally decide to ask his best friend to accept Meili's affections as a way of liberating him of his own regretful feelings.

He was just so sick of the pathetic situation he was in, but a conversation that was supposed to solve everything only made things worse. It began and ended on harsh tones from both ends.

They had never fought this intensely before but they had to keep Meili content for her birthday party and sucked it up.

To Minghao, Meili was just a little sister, he hadn't and doesn't believe that he will ever develop any romantic feelings for her because, to him, there was only Jun.

It was wrong, he knew that, but, sometimes, the wrong things were the ones that felt the most right. They shared a connection and bond that was stronger than family and he couldn't understand why Jun didn't see that. The one thing he understood, however, was that Jun was desperately in love with Meili and what was unfortunately for the both of them was that she seemed to be in love with him instead.

The night Jun tried to set things straight, Minghao revealed that he had knowledge of Meili's emotions, a fact that enraged him. They went on to argue and he could tell that Jun was desperate to relieve his infatuation for Meili.

Reluctantly, Minghao declined with the simple reasoning of not having any mutual emotions. Painfully, he watched as his best friend and love broke down, almost becoming hysteric.

"I can't stand seeing you like this..."

"Then why don't you just ask her out already?! Please Minghao, I can't take this anymore!"

"I already told you that I can't."


"Because I don't love her!" 'I love you...'

"I can't believe how selfish you're being right now!"

"Selfish? Me? That's rich coming from the guy that's forcing his friend to go out with someone he doesn't like, just so he could finally relieve himself!"

"You know what? Fuck you Minghao!"

"Fuck you too!"

It ended with harsh tones but also harsh tears.

That was several days ago though, and, right now, it was Meili's birthday, they had to make sure that she was blind to their fight. In spite of that motive staying strong for the most part, Jun could only take so much.

"Hold my hand so he gets jealous." it was more of a demand than a request and as they stood in full view of Minghao, Jun brushed her inching hand away.

"Don't touch me. We're fighting."

"What? Why?" he only walked away as she followed him out, "Jun! Are you going to tell me anything?" she gently pressed.

Sucking in a breath, he wore his heart on his sleeve, he confessed everything.

He talked on and on about how he was entranced by her, how he dreamt of holding her dainty hands, how he yearned to kiss her cherry-red strawberry-sweet lips.

There was a blissful faintness that came after and if he knew that confessing would feel so liberating, he would've done so years ago.

It wasn't until he looked up and saw the sympathetic look on her face that he remembered the reason behind his fright, however. The reality he was so desperate to avoid was coming true.

"...I'm so sorry Jun..."

"...don't worry about it," he choked, "go off and enjoy yourself, it's your birthday."

After watching her walk away, he took the time to reflect.

Just five small minutes turned into a long half hour of contemplation.

Inside, Minghao assumed that Jun had told Meili his secret of knowing her feelings as she gravitated towards him the instant she re-entered with a sombre look. Apologising in his own way, he invited her to dance with hopes of her depressed expression lifting but there was no change.

Deciding to finally give in, sacrifice his potential happiness for hers and finally setting his best friend free, Minghao invited her for lunch.

"Just you and me..."

"Does this mean..." her eyes glowed with hope as he smiled weakly. Mistaking the weakness as timidity, she rose up to capture his lips in her own.

There was no point in resisting, he never had a chance with Jun anyway. Kissing her cold lips back with a stiff pucker, he closed his eyes to the teary, red and swollen muddy pair that looked on from the sidelines.

He hated seeing him like that...

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