seokmin . drabble | 1

220 7 0

Pairing: Seokmin x R

Genre: Fluff

Length: 635

Drabble Prompt:

"That wasn't very subtle."

"Why do you only kiss me when I'm sleeping?"

"When I die, I'm going to haunt you."

✖︎       ✖︎       ✖︎       ✖︎

Someone like him makes everything so much better. He is the literal embodiment of everything that has the potential to bring about happiness - all he needs to do was smile and laugh.

His name is Lee Seokmin.

Sometimes, having someone like him as your significant other is intimidating; how on earth were you ever going to live up to his perfection? When being held by him, you feel a tinge of greed and guilt as a result of the demeaning effect he has on your self-esteem. Such bitter feelings, however, disappear in an instant as soon as his loving eyes connect with yours and he utters an amourous confession of 'I love you'. Instead of being despondent, all you feel is luck.

The typical case for when these contradictory sentiments occur are now: you've just returned home, and upon wondering into the gently buzzing living room, you see him sleeping on the couch with the flickering blue images of the TV displaying themselves onto his face.

Smiling to yourself, eyes gleaming with unconditional love, you make your way over and settle down beside him before placing a loving peck on his exposed neck. With fluttering butterfly kisses, your velvet lips make their way up his taught stretch of skin, onto his clean-cut jaw and steadily make your way to his pointed chin until you finally land you big smooch onto his vulnerable lips. The smile you've hidden quickly reveals itself the instant you feel Seokmin reciprocate with a puckering of his own lips against yours.

When you finally pull away and snuggled into his chest, he takes a moment to press a smiling kiss onto your temple prior to squeezing you tightly in his warm embrace.

"That wasn't very subtle," he whispered into your ear as he locked his hands around your waist, "you woke me up."

"I wasn't trying to be..." you whispered back with a giggle, pressing another, much sweeter and much shorter kiss onto his plump lips once more, "and that's exactly what I wanted, so I'm satisfied."

Chuckling at your response, he shook his head with shining eyes and, for once, you stared in wonderment at how the TV could make someone look all the more attractive with its glaring, blue-tinged light.

"Why do you only kiss me when I'm sleeping?" his sleepy voice enquires roughly, making you shiver.

At first, you replied with an effortless shrug but, when he began whining, you gave in and muttered a thoughtful response into his clavicle, "I just have an urge to...only because I always realise how lucky I am to have you whenever I see you looking so adorable...". This clarification appeared to have given him a sudden burst of energy and white joy, leading him to attack you with an abundance of kisses; the squeal of surprise he was able to coax from you rang like chimes in his ears.

After some affectionate moments canoodling, your attention was drawn to the TV by a feminine scream of horror. Averting your curious gaze, you took in the image of the female protagonist being pursued by a ghost and just as she was about to escape - only barely - Seokmin decided that it was a 'good idea' to send shocks of terror through you with breathy declarations.

"If I die, I'm going to haunt you." he proclaimed, locking and sealing his promise with a kiss against your neck.


"So that I can't find anything to send me to heaven; my only heaven is with you." he nestled his face into your neck, already knowing how flustered you'd be.

"Y-You're so corny!" you blanched in faux disgust.

"Yeah, but you love it~" he teased, chuckling lazily as you huffed, allowing him to burrow his face further into your neck.

He definitely wasn't wrong about that. 

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