Chapter 73: Because of Me

Start from the beginning

"Make her sleep! NOW!"

Eren didn't know what got over him, but his body acted immediately without him realizing it. He hit the back of (Y/N)'s neck and she fainted instantly, collapsing on the wooden floor, leaving the brunette standing in absolute shock.

He crouched down and slowly picked (Y/N) up, carrying her to her bed.

Eren was confused. No, confused doesn't even begin to cover how he feels. He was baffled, blown out of his mind...... amazed.

Amazed... for his own reasons.


I opened my eyes to the sight of a wooden ceiling, feeling confused and wary of everything.

What the hell happened..? What the-- I'm on my bed?

"Ah, you're awake."

I sat up, looking at the doorway to find Erwin walking in. "What..... what happened?"

Erwin handed me a glass of water, to which I took gratefully. "Eren said you started to walk around with your eyes closed and your hands holding your head, and then you tripped and fell. Fainted straight away."

"Did I?" I asked skeptically, drinking the water. "I don't remember."

Erwin gave me a gentle smile. "I wouldn't be surprised. You took a bit of a tumble back there."

"It wouldn't be a bit if I ended up fainting," I grumbled, handing the empty cup back.

Erwin took the cup and placed it on the table beside my bed, sitting beside me on my bed. "So... what happened back there?"

I sighed, fiddling my fingers. "I... I'm not really sure."

"You don't remember?" Erwin asked, turning his body so he faced me.

"I do, but.... it's just confusing..." I trailed off, facing the floor.

"Would it help if you talked about it?" Erwin tentatively asked, looking away.

I hesitated, wondering if I should tell Erwin about all these voices in my head. Is it a normal thing? Or am I just going insane?

You're not going insane.

"I'm not?" I accidentally said out loud, covering my mouth afterwards.

Erwin raised a brow. "You're not? You're not what?"

"N-no... It's nothing, don't worry." I looked away, cold sweat running down my face.

I wouldn't recommend you telling about me to others.

Well, then stop showing up unexpectedly all the time!

I heard Erwin sigh behind me. "It's fine if you don't want to tell me. But..."

I felt a hand turn me around, making me face the blonde man. Erwin looked at me with warm eyes and a gentle smile as he brought me in for a hug. "But... just remember, you can talk to me anytime, alright?"

I mumbled a reply, feeling warm and cozy in Erwin's embrace. I stayed quiet and listened as he continued. "You're like a little sister to me (Y/N). I want only nothing more than to be able to protect you."

I closed my eyes, enjoying the comfort offered by Erwin. When Levi hurt me, Erwin had always been the one to help me heal. Always willing to hear out what I have to say. Always willing to give me advice whenever I needed it.

I hugged his wide frame tighter, feeling grateful for all he's done for me. Erwin chuckled, patting my back softly.

"Thank you... for everything," I whispered out, even though it was muffled.

We let go of each other, and I gave him a smile. "Also... thank you, for not pushing me to tell you."

"Of course." Erwin returned the smile, his eyes still gentle. "Oh, how is everything between you and Levi?"

"Hah? Where did that come from?"

Erwin shrugged. "Just asking. So, how are you two?"

"Alright.... I guess."

"Has.... the right time come yet?"

I shook my head. "No, at least I don't think so."

"I see. I'm sure it'll come." Erwin gave a few pats on my shoulder, a small smile on his face.

"Nevermind me and Levi. How are things with you and Hanji?" I shot the question at him, watching as his expression turned into a surprised one.

"W-what?? Me and Hanji?"

I smirked. "That's right. How are you guys?"

Erwin looked away, facing the floor instead. "There's.... nothing going on between us."

I stared at him in disbelief. "What? No way, you guys already look like a couple most of the time!"

"I'm.... flattered you think so. But, like I said, there's nothing going on between us."


The calm and gentle blue eyes from before was gone, replaced by a cloud of sadness. Erwin looked as if he was okay, but it was far too easy to see the sadness he tried to conceal.

"Did.... did something happen?"

The blonde man gave me a sad smile, his voice low and raspy. "Something did happen, but it wasn't something you could've stopped. And no, it wasn't Hanji's fault either."

What...? What happened..?

"Don't worry, me and Hanji are still good friends. We just... can't be anymore than friends, is all."

I felt my heart ache in sadness as I watched Erwin letting out a sad sigh, his shoulders drooping and his back hunched. "And it's...."

He brought his hands to his head, his teeth clenched as he pulled his own locks of hair.

"It's all because of me..."

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