The Move

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Chaos got my mom and Paul, since I had them brought back to life a long time ago, to move to Earth so I could plan my next move.

I still had long time left on Earth, so I decided to do the only logical thing.

I would go to school.

I know. I know. You are probably thinking:

"But that is worse torture than Smelly Gabe!"

And you would be right. But Paul wants to be able to teach again, and I never actually finished High School, and for some unknown reason, my mom thinks education is important for the second strongest being in the universe.

Weird, I know.

So, that's that I suppose.  I'll just ask Annabeth about it later.

  Okay, this really wasn't even a chapter, I just needed an ending.  It was just a wrap up, so please don't be mad at me.  I am making another book, this is a trilogy, but I don't know what I want to do.

I could make it a Kane crossover, or a Michael Vey crossover.  I am leaning towards Michael Vey, but to decide, before I publish the first chapter, I want to know what you guys think.  

I know that there are a lot of people who read the first book The Son of Chaos, but a lot of people didn't want to read this book, the sequel.  I am sure some people won't want to progress to the next book, but I am asking to at least give it a try.  

But, I need to know what to do first so give me your vote so I could get started.  Thanks for everything.

Chow!  Peace out and all that!


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