Xander World (Part 5)

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"Have you ever heard of the Greek Legends, known as the The Greek Myths and stories? The beliefs of the Ancient Greek people?"

Hermione raised her hesitant hand. "The Greek Myths were how the Greek people explained the creation of the world and everything in it. There were gods and heroes, children of the gods. Why is this relevant to anything?"

I breathed in. "I think it is time for a proper introduction. My name is Perseus Jackson, Son if Poseidon and Omega, son of Chaos, Commander of The Army of Chaos, defeated of Kronos, Gaea, countless monsters and immortal beings. The best swordsman: better than Ares himself. Bane of the wicked, protecter of the innocent. Primordial. Second most powerful being in the universe." I took a breath. "Subject of the first and second great prophecy, one of the Seven, and Surviver of Tartarus. That's the short version."

Some were quaking. Most were looking at me like I grew a Hydra heads. Or Medusa hair. Something like that. Or blue food on my face. That gets some weird looks.

"What in Merlin are you talking about?" A scrawny third year in Ravenclaw asked.

"He is a part of those myths." Professor McGonagall explained. "He-all of these transfer students are more powerful...older...part of the Ancient Greek gods. The sky, the sea, hell. All of these things are part of their world. And Omega here is Immortal-like a god, but much, much more powerful. Before he was only a demigod...now he is much more than that." She took a breath. "He is also a natural leader, having lead hundreds of wars. It is he that will lead us against our current enemies. An immortal demigod has taken power. He has recruited the Death Eaters and monsters from the Greek world. We can't effect these monsters...but they would effect us."

"That's the threat you face, really." I said. "I, like my friends, are immortal. We live on forever. We can't die. Not from battle wounds or sickness. But everything can effect you." I stared at them blackly. "But, you are part of this. Sorry to tell you this, but you have been since the moment Xander found out about the Wizarding World. But if anyone wants out, don't be shy. Trust me, life isn't always about being the hero. You could die. From the hands of monsters, or, a painless death from the killing curse. We could very well fight all of them without you and send all of the monsters to Tartarus and put all of the Death Eaters in a coma...your call. I don't like killing humans, or even hurting them if I have the choice. If you choose to fight, it is your choice how to handle the Death Eaters."

There was silence. And I started to get fidgety. Silence is one of my worst enemies.

"The only way for us not to be involved is to leave Hogwarts," Neville said. "I'm staying. Hogwarts is my home and I will fight for my home."

"Same for me," Harry said. "Besides. I have experience with this sort of thing. I want to help."

"Me too," Ron said.

"Those who want to stay and fight for Hogwarts, stay here. Anyone who wants to leave can; just go and collect your stuff. I don't want anyone to get hurt."

Everyone turned to their friends and everyone started whispering.

"Everyone...another thing...if you think you are being quiet by whispering, you'd not. So um, make your choice. Oh, and it isn't my fault. It would have happened either way, only now, you all have a better chance of survival."

"Anymore questions for Omega?" Professor McGonagall asked the students.

"Can he show us some if his powers if he has them?" A kid in Slytherin asked.

I smirked. "My pleasure-but this room isn't big enough for what I have in mind. I have to go outside."

They all followed me outside in single file according to their houses.

I stood next to the lake. Then, I took out Current in pen form.

"Ha! That's your amazing power? You could take out a pen? Big whoop!" An older Slytherin laughed.

Professor McGonagall started to advance to punish him, but I stopped her.

"Let him laugh," I said to my audience. "He can laugh. Until he sees what exactly I could do."

A heavy silence. I focused.

One second later, the water from the lake started to rise up and circled around my body, getting bigger and bigger until I had my own personal hurricane. The force of the entire lake, the water in the air, moisture in the ground, anywhere there was water, it was part of my power. My control.

The students stood there, shocked my power. Then, I clicked Current and a gleaming sword cut the air.

"I think the pen is pretty cool," I said to the boy who laughed. "What'd you think?"

He didn't answer. He just looked at me with something like fear and admiration.

"Dismissed," I said. Everyone scrambled to the dormitories. I went over to Alpha and Storm.

"Let's put that little weasel in his place," Alpha said.

"Yeah," I agreed. Well...I was sort of right.

(I can't do bold, writing this on my phone.


It feels like forever since I last wrote. Sorry about that. I just didn't have time to write. Either that, or I just couldn't write then. I was pretty busy the last few days.

Who is having summer right now? Who is in school?

It is my summer, and I have camp. Not sleep away, but we have overnight trips, which I am on right now, as I am writing this. I have to pack and stuff, so time really isn't a luxury I have.

So how is everyone?

Turns out I can use my data, so I will publish this when I am done with the author's note.

I got a waffle for breakfast today! Pancakes<Waffles. Waffles win, sorry, Pancake Lovers. ;)

What country do you live in? I am an American. Home of hotdogs and baseball. I think. I'm not really sure.

Has anyone traveled a lot? To different countries and stuff?

I haven't. Hopefully soon.



Eat a spider(don't)

Light your hair on fire(don't do that either-that's Leo's job.)

Go on Kingda Ka(did I spell that right?) at Six Flags. I wanted to, but didn't get a chance to ;(

Follow me(not as a stalker plz)

Vote, comment and such.

Chow! Peace out and all that!(It feels like I haven't said that in a while!)


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