A Xander World (Part 1)

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I am hungry! I want food! Yumm...Percy won't mind if I eat the blue cookies his mom(The planet's author) sends him ever week. What he doesn't know won't hurt him...right?

Oh, what the Me, I am eating them anyway! There is nothing, and I mean nothing better than Sally Jackson's cooking!

I will just ask her to bake another batch and send it by owl to London. Mmmm, blue cookies...


Since we now decided to not wear our hoods, I swear, I was being stalked. Almost all of the boys were following Annabeth, Thalia, and I like lost puppies. Seriously, get a life! And Jason was just glaring at anyone that looked my way. Percy had a different approach. He just put his arm on Annabeth's shoulders and told them to buzz off. That was a way.

Then, in the Great Hall, Percy got a package. We all looked at the big box. It must have been good if it was so big.

He opened it, but not enough so we could see, and gasped.

"Yes!" Percy pumped his fists in the air. "Blue cookies!"

My mouth hung open. How? Sally died...of course, she was brought to life also. I really got to keep up with these things.

"What is so special about blue cookies?" Ron asked and we all gasped at him.

"What is wrong with you?" Nico asked.

"Sally's cookies are the cookies of the gods," Thalia declared.

"Especially the blue cookies," Leo added.

"If you have never had one . . ." Travis started.

"Life isnt worth living!" Conner finished looking to the sky.

"There is nothing better," Annabeth said wistfully.

"I think I would marry those cookies . . ." Luke smiled. "Ouch! Zoe! I wasnt done! I was about to say, I would marry those cookies if I wasnt in love with you," Luke raised his eye brows at her and she blushed.

"Best food ever! Worthy of Lord Chaos himself!" Percy chuckled, "These came later than they were suppopsed to, so I think he actually did take my cookies and have Mom make a new batch . . .Dam that cookie theif!" Thalia, Zoe, and Percy burst out laughing. "Ah," Percy fake wiped a tear from his eyes. "Good times! Old English! Hover Dam! The Dam Snack-Bar! Zoe not having any idea what was so funny . . ."

"I get it now!" Zoe pouted.

"Sure," Percy looked unconvinced. "Sure you do."

Zoe rolled her eyes.

"So," Harry summed up. "Blue cookies are good."

"Um, yeah. Pretty much," Percy agreed.

Then, suddenly lights started flashing and a voice I grew to hate spoke in an echoey voice.

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