Badass Omega

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Sweat beded on my forehead.  It couldnt be.  He shouldnt be a alive.  He should be dead.  No, he should be in a museam (Ignore the spelling) made out of stone, called The Poker Player.

(Any guesses???)

"Twerp, good to see youa again," Smelly Gabe grinned wickedly at me.

"Gabe..." I said, confused.  How?  Its been thousands of years since I left Earth, he was stone since I was twelve, and he is very, disgustingly mortal.

He smacked me.  "Dont talk to me unless I tell you to!" He yelled, and I stayed silent.  A part of me has always feared this guy.  

"Master," He said, getting on one knee, like he was praying.  "I have him, Master.  Reward me, Master.  I have done all you asked, let me extend a hand of...let me get revenge on him for all those years ago.  Please, Master.  It is all that I ask."

My eyes widened in fear.  Who was his 'Master?'

A whispery voice that I knew all too well whispered...

"Very well...take your puny revenge.  Keep him alive, though.  I want my vengence as well."

Tartarus.  Gabe and Tartarus.  Well, wasnt this dandy?


Skip to after Gabe and Tartarus torture him because I really dont want those mental images in my head....cue badass Omega!

Something clicked.  I dont know what it was, but after being tortured by two of the foulest beings I have ever come across, the power built as anger.  Now, power was flowing through my viens. And I sure as hell was going to use it.

I let the power build up inside of my, forcing itself out of my body.  Gabe and Tarter Sauce (Yes, I said that on purpose) yelled, but I let out a strangled scream, a yell of pure power, and soon, there was nothing left of the Nothing where I was kept.  All charged up with power, I flashed down to the battle.

People stared at me in awe.  Some of my friends called my name.  But I didnt listen.

I yelled, and all the mosters turned to yellow dust.  I roared, took out my sword, Current, and ran through the Death Eater (Name still freaks me out) ranks, slicing each of their wands before any of them could react.

Then, facing them, all of them staring at me wide eyed, I felt like laughing.

"Boo," I said, and they fled, running  like wild fire.

Finally Xander was the only one left.

He looked at me, defeat in his eyes, but something else.  Envy, pain, and jealousy clear in his eyes.

"You won," He said, not looking at me. "Kill me already."

I sighed and clicked Current, turning it back into a pen.  "No, I'm not like Gaea or End, and would kill someone for the hell of it.  Now tell me, why?  Why would you do this? Any of it?"

He looked at the ground, his lip trembling.  "I just wanted to be loved!" He said, tears flowing through his eyes and I knew he was telling the truth.  "My moom never wanted me, and I didnt have a father!  No one loved me, and I didnt have anyone to love!" He shouted, crying openly.  "Gaea made me fell loved," Xander said, sniffling.  "I was jealous of you.  You had everything I ever wanted.  Gaea told me to take it from you, so I listened." He confessed.  "All I ever wanted was to be loved and accepted."

When it was clear he wouldnt say anything more, I sighed.  "If you agree to leave all of this war and mosters behind, I could get you a jon as the Choas Messanger.  Everyone loves everyone on Chaos.  They dont have to know your past, and would accept you for who you really are, as long as you show them who you really are.  And it could be a new start for you."

He stared at me in wonder and nodded once.

"Okay," I said.  "Now that, that's settled, I want blue waffles."


"Goodbye," I told Harry.  "Keep up, you know, on a broom and dont fall," I told him and he nodded.

We waved to everyone as we sailed back to camp on the Argo 2.  That was that.  We were done with sticks.

Hey, everyone.  I think there will be one more chapter.  But I think I will make it three books, but I dont want to make it Percy Jackson with the Kanes.  

I want to do it Percy Jackson meeting the Electroclan, you may or may not know about these books, the Michael Vey books.  The series isnt done yet, and I have only read the three books, I dont know if book four is up yet, but I want to do it like that.  But the problem is, I dont think many of you readers have read the series, which means that even if I do to a third book like that, you people might not read it because it wouldnt make any sense. 

So tell me.  Either Kanes or Michael Vey.  I am leaning on Michael Vey, but I dont know.  Anyway, there will be one more chapter, so tell me your opinion.  I need to know or I can't start the next book.

Chow!  Peace out and all that!


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