Xander World (Part 6)

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This was wonderful. A guy who has Death Eaters and mythical monsters. Just lovely.  I sighed.

I just couldnt get a break, could I?  I know, this Omega guy and Harry have it worse, but somehow, I keep getting involved.  Like in my first year.  I tried to stop Harry, Ron, and Hermione from sneaking out, ended up paralized, and getting ten house points for sticking up for myself.

I didnt really do anything of importance that I could of think of from my second year.  But in my third, I guess, without knowing it, I helped by leaving the passwords out, Sirius Black finding them-It was bad then, but that was when everyone thought he was a mass murderer.  So I guess I did good.  Skip to my seventh year.  I killed his snake.  So I did good then too.

'Oh well,' I thought, and drifted off to sleep.


Those cookies were really good.  Like, really good.  Sally Jackson really is an awesome cook.  Maybe I will ask her for more.  Wait...maybe?  What am I talking about, of course I am going to ask her for cookies!  What kind of idiot do you think I am?  Dont answer that, Random Reader.

Hey, Dad.  Wassup?  Xander wants a war with the Wizaring World.  Isnt that nice?  Well, we are fighting, but then I want to come home and eat my mom's blue cookies, Omega thought to me.

I love cookies.  You have shown me a better path-a blue cookie path.  Sure.  Wars are really stupid.  They get in the way of eating cookies. I thought back.

I know, right!  That reminds me...I want cookies.  Ask my mom to make a batch, please.  I had to share my last batch.  Horrible, isnt it?

Very.  Some people.

I know.  Anyway, I got to go and think.  Eurgh.  That sounds boring.  Oh, well.  Bye, I got to go stop my foolish half brother.  If you eat my cookies when I get back, I will tell my mom to never give you cookies again.

I gasped.  You wouldnt.

I would, he promised.

You truly are evil.

I have my moments.  But when it comes to cookies, I am a monster.  Sorry, dad.

Whatever.  Gotta go do nothing.  Bye.

Bye, Chaos.

Then, I stopped thinking.  Thinking took up too much energy.  And it gave me a migrane.  Oh well.


Honestly, wars coul wait.  If you ask me which is more important, a war with the Wizarding world, or eating blue cookies, there really isnt a choice.  Blue cookies are way more important.

With that thought, I fell into a blue-cookie-full sleeo.  Let me tell you, it was a goo one.

Sorry, this chapter was mostly about blue cookies, but I think that is a goo thing ;)

Hows everyone doing?

Here is a very important question-What is your favorite movie? 

Some of my favorite movies are Home Alone and Home Alone 2-Lost in New York.  Is it just me, or he uses the same trick twice with the TV.  There is always a guy named Johnny who shoots someone.  Weird.  But the movies are really funny.  If you havent watched them, I recomend them.

Remember to;

Clog a toilet.  (Dont)

Do math.  (Again, dont.)

Make your own story.

Read my stories.

Invent a word.

Keep your hand on ice.

Draw a peace sign.

Guess my favorite color.

Do the Hocas Pocas.  (Why not)

Do somthing else that I didnt think of.

Read, vote, follow me. 

(Should I publish another Chaos/Percy Jackson story?  Only if I did, it wouldnt have a sequel.  But I dont know.  Should I?...........If I did, I would still update and finish this one, so it wouldnt stop me from writing this.  Tell me what you think.)

Chow!  Peace out and all that!


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