We Almost....

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*Olivia's POV*

I took Blake to the counselor yesterday. It went well.... Of course it took forever to get her into the office though. I sat in the car for about 20 minutes, trying to get her to come into the building. Then it took another 10 minutes for the counselor to get her to open up. I had never seen someone so reluctant to talk to someone. I guess it's because he was a man.

I had been in an unusually good mood earlier today. I guess it's because I had a date with Elliot tonight. I had been waiting years for this and it's finally here. Butterflies filled my stomach as I thought about what the night held. In just a few hours, I would be having dinner with the love of my life.

I got out of bed and started towards the kitchen. I walked down the hall and into the dining room area. Awww, I thought. Blake was slumped over with her face literally in her books, and she had her pen in her hand like she was writing at one point. Her mouth was hung open, and slob was starting to trickle down the corner of her mouth. It was so cute but I didn't want her sleeping at the table. I went over to her and picked her up, bride style. She stirred in my arms a little and opened her eyes.

"Mama?" she said, squinting her eyes.

My heart melted a little. I loved to hear Blake call me mama.

"Yes honey, I'm here. You fell asleep at the table so I'm just gonna lay you on the couch while I make dinner."

"I don't feel good." she frowned.

Blake had come home early from school because she had gotten her period. I laid her on the couch and covered her with a blanket. She closed her eyes and went back to sleep. I went to the kitchen and opened the freezer. I remembered that Blake wanted pizza, so I took out a frozen pepperoni pizza and put it in the oven. Then I went back to my room to get my outfit out.

I probed every inch of my closet. Too short, too skanky, too long, too big, was my response to everything I pulled out. I thought I had pulled everything out, but I had one last dress left. In the very back of my closet, was a black sleeveless, v-neck dress that I had never worn before. I tried it on and the dress fit perfectly. It wasn't too tight, but my curves were clearly defined. I paired the dress with a pair of royal blue suede heels and a royal blue clutch purse. Then, I glanced over my room. It was a mess and it looked like a tornado had ripped though it. Clothes and dresses were slung everywhere. I took the dress off and put it away neatly until later. I put on a pair of grey leggings and a sweatshirt and went to the kitchen to take the pizza out of the oven. Then I went back to my bedroom and cleaned up.

I was hanging the last shirt up when I suddenly hear hard, loud footsteps. It sounded like someone was running. I peered into the hallway and saw it was Blake. She had her mouth covered with her hand, and her cheeks were puckered like a squirrel with acorns in its mouth. I immediately dropped the shirt and ran into the bathroom after her. She was bent over the toilet stool, puking. I went over to her and held her hair back. When she was finished, she flushed the toilet and sat down in front of the toilet. I grabbed a piece of tissue and wiped her mouth.

"Are you okay?" I asked, kneeling down in front of her.

"I am now." she said.

"C'mon, honey." I said, trying to help her up.

"No, it hurts." she whined.

"What hurts?"

"My stomach." she said, pointing to her lower abdomen.

Cramps, I thought.

"Okay, you are having cramps. It's totally normal, and it comes along with you period, so it's like a full package. I'll get you something to ease the pain, but you gotta get up."

Adopted by Olivia BensonWhere stories live. Discover now