Chapter Twenty-Five

Começar do início

"Seriously?" Shelly shrieked next. "You act like I can't take care of my damn self!"

"You can't!" Came simultaneously, letting me know all other siblings agree with each other.

"Jesus Christ, Shelly. You have no job, you haven't even been looking for one. Oh, don't give me that damn look. You're a grown woman and you expect everyone to do everything for you." Marie speaks sternly and I can just picture her shaking her head.

"I'm pregnant!" Shelly retorts, making me roll my eyes. Way to help advance society, Shelly.

"That's not an excuse. You're just lazy and you have no motivation to actually work for anything in your life. How can you raise a baby if you can't even take care of yourself?"

And that's how Thanksgiving ended.

* * *

It was decided that Shelly would, in fact, stay with us. Mark, while still young, is getting older. A new baby wouldn't be ideal for him, his wife, and their five kids. Marie, well, she was having none of it. As an older sister, she put her foot down and told off Shelly then proceeded to say she likes her life too much to house her little sister and new baby. It was inevitable up to my mom and dad and I had already known my mother wasn't going to allow her elderly parents to take care of Shelly and her baby.

Even though the situation is stressful, it helped to take my mind off of my own petty troubles. Now that school is back in session, Miguel has been added to my list of worries. Which is why I tried to avoid him at lunch. It didn't exactly go over well because I was cornered before I could even make it out of the cafeteria.

He sighs, shutting his eyes for a moment before they pop back open. "Emerson, I don't want things to be weird between us. Listen, I know I shouldn't have kissed you...I read everything wrong and I'm sorry, okay?"

Miguel does look kind of sad. Maybe instead of running and avoiding, I should confront my problems head-on. It's getting tiring to constantly run away as if I have somewhere to run. Small town, small school.

"Why did you? know I just got out of a relationship with Sebastian. I'm really not looking to get into another relationship." I tell him honestly because I'm genuinely not. Even if I did, Miguel is my friend and I don't see him as a love interest.

Miguel purses his lips. "I won't lie, I like you, Emie." Miguel drops onto me, no hesitation. I almost step back by how blown away I am. Of course, that had been the first guess, but to hear the confession is unbelievable. "I'm sorry if that's not what you want to hear, but it's the truth. I know you don't view me in the same way, but I just wanted you to know."

I gape at Miguel in disbelief. I want to ask him why he would like me, but I know how the heart wants what it wants and sometimes you have no choice over that. Maybe it was because Miguel and I eat lunch together every day and I had recently met his family, maybe that's how feelings developed. Guilt swells in my stomach, bubbling around and making me feel sick because I don't reciprocate these feelings. I kind of wish I did though.

As I go to reply, I feel eyes on us. It's kind of a self-conscious, itchy feeling to have someone's eyes intensely on you. My gaze moves past Miguel's shoulder, catching Sebastian watching us with a frown on his face. His eyebrows are furrowed and even from here, I can see the anger in his eyes and if I'm not mistaken, jealousy.

"Miguel, I won't lie either, but I just don't like you in that way. You're my friend, a great one at that, but-"

"But you love someone else." Miguel nods, lifting a hand to push a curly strand from his eyes. "I know and I'm not upset. I can't force you to give up your love. I wish I could make you like me, but I won't try because love is something powerful. Once you have it...don't let it go."

Miguel's words remind me of his parents and I know that those words come from them. They raised their son well and I know they'll be doing the same for Aisha. Both their children will grow to prosper and make differences in the world.

My own thoughts remind me that I need to ask about Aisha. "How's your sister? You said she was having headaches, are they better?"

Miguel gives me a look, one that causes my guts to clench uncomfortably. He looks as if he's about to tell me some bad news, his eyebrows downcast and his lips puckered like he's trying to fight some tears.

Miguel shakes his head and opens his mouth. I wait eagerly for him to start talking, to let me know what's happening and how I can help.

"Emie, can we talk?" Someone else talks instead, their shaky and nervous voice coming from behind Miguel.

It looks like another problem awaits me.

*The Shelly situation was just a subplot that's already been wrapped up. It was small and a  way to introduce someone new who's not exactly important. You'll see her more, don't worry. Anyways, do you guys think Emie should give Miguel a chance? Or do you think they work better as friends? Also, cliffhanger, sorry. But who do you think it is? Let me know with a comment and please don't forget to vote. Thanks for reading.*

The BeardOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora