Chapter 5 Realization.

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Amara woke up in the containment unit naked as the day she was born. She covered herself as best she could as she looked around for her clothes.

**There's a blanket by the door, Miss Stark,** JARVIS told her.

“Thank you, JARVIS, what happened last night? Why am I in Hulk's containment unit?”

**I think that is something that is best left to Mr. Stark to explain.**

Amara's brow furrowed, “Okay where is Tony?”

**At the moment he and Dr. Banner are asleep, would you like me to wake them?**

“No, that's alright JARVIS, but can you let me out, please?”

There was a long pause as if JARVIS was debating about it. Then Amara hears the door unlock and she steps out.

“Thank you, JARVIS.”

**My pleasure, Ma'am.**

Amara makes her way upstairs to her room but stops short when she sees that her door has been torn down. As if something crashed through it. She cautiously walks in to find everything has been knocked over and her clothes from yesterday are lying on the floor in pieces.

“What happened?” She asks herself.

She walked into her room, careful to avoid the broken glass, then goes to her closet to get some clothes. She gets some underclothes then goes to her bathroom to shower and change. As she showers, she feels her muscles begin to relax under the hot water. Getting out of the shower a sense of fatigue comes over her and she decides to lie down for a while. She falls instantly into a deep sleep.

It's around ten in the morning when Bruce and Tony wake up. Bruce makes his way to the kitchen to start on breakfast while Tony goes down to check on Amara. When he gets there he sees she's not in the containment unit, panic begins to set in.

“JARVIS, please tell me you let Mara out and that she was human again.”

**Yes, Sir, she woke up at 6:00 and asked to be let out.**

“Why didn't you wake me?”

**Miss Stark asked me not to.**

“Is she in her room?”

**Yes, Sir, right now she's asleep.**

“Good, when breakfast is ready, wake her up.”

**Yes, Sir.**

Tony makes his upstairs to let Bruce know that what was going on. He gets to the kitchen and notices that Bruce is making Amara's favorite blueberry pancakes. Tony hugs Bruce from behind and kisses his cheek. Bruce smiles at him.

“So how's Amara doing?”

“JARVIS let her out, she went upstairs and fell asleep.”

Bruce hums, “How are you going to explain to her what happened last night?”

“I think the easiest thing to do is to show her what happened. JARVIS did you record her transformation?”

Yes, but might I suggest not showing her that unless she asks, it may traumatize her.”

“I agree with JARVIS, Tony, I saw it last night it was pretty gruesome.”

“Alright, but I'm almost positive she's going to want to see it.”

“Okay, but we need to prepare her first before she sees it.”


As soon as Bruce was finished with breakfast, he told JARVIS to wake Amara so she could have breakfast.

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