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The four boys that are left feel dead, Kuan Lin was hanging around in the living room watching over shows that he missed and including performances. Daehwi was in his room writing songs as usual. Jinyoung was finding things to do to keep himself occupied off the sadness the four have between them. The blood stained message still couldn't go away from his mind.

The precious things go first, now it's coming for you guys too. Be prepared..

Jinyoung shook his head as he just walked out of the room. Just off from his memory, he realized something.

Wait.. when Minhyun first leave.. didn't Kuan Lin get the swelling? Or was it Jaehwan...?

But then again Woojin and Jihoon hyung was there to hear the conversations with hyungs. They were watching over Kuan Lin.. what does it mean to have two swelling..?

Jinyoung felt like his head was gonna explode because of all the thinking he's going through. He just went to the kitchen and grabbed a juice box or maybe two. When he got to living room, Daehwi was sitting there staring at the black screen.

"Daehwi?" The older called out to the younger.

"H-Huh?" Daehwi asked as he snapped back.

"Here." Jinyoung handed him an extra juice box.

Daehwi take the juice box and pull away the attached straw. After removing the plastic cover and poking it through the hole, he started to sip on it. Jinyoung watched in awe then turned on the TV.

"I never knew you enjoy watching TVs when they are off." Jinyoung said he plot himself next to the younger.

"I-I.. uhmm.." Daehwi couldn't think of an excuse for that.

They just watch whatever was on TV, be it, news, drama, variety shows. It didn't take long till Jinyoung realized Daehwi was feeling uneven.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jinyoung asked and Daehwi just decide to ignore him and zone out again. "Daehwi?" Jinyoung called out again.

The younger continued to space out and worries for the worst. Jinyoung only sighed then ruffled the younger's hair before getting up and leave him back.

Daniel and Kuan Lin was having fun playing with paper planes and origami that they created. Say the oldest one left acting like a child once again. Kuan Lin as well, he hasn't had the chance to act like one in ages.

"Hyung! Furthest one wins!" Kuan Lin said with excitement while holding up his made plane.

"Bring it on Kuan Lin." Daniel responded.

They threw their planes and watch it fly across the room. Both of them even tried to sabotage each other by blowing or fanning at the other plane. It came to an end as Kuan Lin got ahead of Daniel's which hit the ground just an inch behind the younger's.

"Woo!" Kuan Lin shouted with excitement throwing his hands in the air.

Daniel? He was standing behind him pouting the fact that he lost. He smiled at the sudden idea then grabbed a ninja star origami.

"Kuan Lin, best ninja wins?" Daniel asked as he packed about 6-7 stars.

"Bring it." Kuan Lin said hurrying and grabbing as many stars he can carry.

Daniel threw first and hit Kuan Lin's back then ran out of the rooms. Kuan Lin chased after Daniel, both ran into Jinyoung who was about to head up. When Jinyoung saw something flew at him, he immediately ducked and hid behind the wall as both Daniel and Kuan Lin ran passed him.

The heck is going on?

Jinyoung picked up one of the ninja star origami and realized what they were doing. Luckily for the stars, the edges are dull so it wouldn't caused much pain to the person receiving it. Jinyoung followed the screaming and laughter from the two childish boys at the moment.


Kuan Lin was interrupted when Daehwi decided to throw a pillow. Daehwi only sighed then left the living room bumping into Jinyoung.

"Hey, what's wrong with you huh?" Jinyoung held onto Daehwi before he can get further from the 3.

"It's nothing." Daehwi said with a little attitude.

"Daehwi-ah." Daniel called out to the younger after pausing the game with Kuan Lin.

"Come on you three kids, I'm gonna take yall somewhere that you all barely go to." Daniel then decided then headed up the stairs with Jinyoung and Kuan Lin partially dragging Daehwi.

They arrived at the roof of their house, the sun was nearly setting, the blue was starting to fade. Daniel sat on the blanket that was laid down last time they came up for a BBQ.

"Come on, just come and sit. We need some fresh air after all." Daniel assured the maknaes.

Kuan Lin took Daehwi down with him for Daehwi to sit. Daehwi just gave in and sat between the two. Daniel rubbed Daehwi's shoulder still trying to calm him down.

"Jinyoung, come-"

Daniel stopped talking once he didn't see Jinyoung around them. Daniel flinched as he felt a light hand touched his shoulders. He turned and saw the half transparent boy showing his warm smile.

"Why didn't you say anything?!" Daniel exclaimed as he stood up looking at Jinyoung.

"I just know I'm next. I thought you guys got the hint."

"Usually you guys should be screaming out in pain, why aren't you?"

"I'm enduring it, like Jaehwan hyung. Take care of Daehwi and Kuan Lin alright? You can make the remaining days the best of it for them." Jinyoung whispered as he looked at the two.

Daehwi and Kuan Lin looked like they were close to cry. Jinyoung walked to them and brung the two close to him hugging them. The two maknae held onto Jinyoung's arm not wanting to let go.

"Haha. Come on, man up yeah? We will meet again okay? Don't make things hard for Daniel please." He said as he struggled to get out of their grip.

Kuan Lin let go and so did Daehwi, Jinyoung went up to the edge of the house and stare back at them. He waved at them for the last time then he jumped off. They got to the edge and looked down and see nothing, no Jinyoung was seen anywhere.


Jinyoung woke up to hear a monitor next to him beeping. He didn't know or remember what was going on. The last thing he remembered was being pushed off a bridge into the water. He stood up quickly as he had a flashback to it. He didn't mind the wires or tubes nearly being removed and hurting him a bit.


He was discharged from the hospital after knowing there wasn't much damage to his body. He went to the concert that BrandNewBoys was having as a three member hoping there could be chance of helping them find their fourth member. What surprised him was a special guest in their concert. Besides the main rapper and dancer was another dancer. Jinyoung swore he seen the dancer's popping before but he couldn't figure out the face or name.

"Ong, yah. Hype it up! Woo!" The rapper said as he made the fans shout.

"Tsk, Woojin bring it."

"Let's go Seongwu."

The two interacted with the fans and continued to do the special stage till the music ended and the lights darkened.

Woojin and Seongwu? Where did I hear their names from before..?

Jinyoung's time has finally came, now there was no worries of him figuring out who is gonna be next. Now only three sandglasses are remaining after Jinyoung's disappeared. One of them is nearly coming to an end.


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