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Daniel woke up all, he felt bored, there wasn't much to do being all alone in this house. He plays his games and still couldn't find things to keep him entertained. He went out to the living room and play the games on console stilm wasn't entertaining him. He went and watch movies, drama, etc. he still couldn't feel entertained. He sighed deeply as he tried to go around the house.

This what it feels like to be living alone with no friends with you.

He entered Minhyun's room, it was empty now. Everything that Minhyun had in his room are gone. Bed, closet, desks, everything you can think of. It's just a room that haven't been touched in weeks. The blinds was still as it was before when Minhyun first left, the sun was shining through it onto the floor. Daniel went around the room reminiscing the memories he had with Minhyun. He laughed at some memories, he saw Minhyun's smile and laugh. As Minhyun looked at him and showed a sincere smile, he can't help but to shed tears.

Only this much had happened and yet I'm already crying.

Daniel left Minhyun's room not trying to feel anymore emotional than he is now. He went to Sungwoon's room next. It was like Minhyun's room, all empty, haven't been touched in weeks. He had so much fun teasing the smaller, most of the times they act like they would be fighting because of the height difference. Daniel really wanted to go back to that time, he really missed teasing the smaller boy. Like what he did in Minhyun's room, he reminisce those memories and felt even more emotional.


He had finished visiting the boys room, he never shed this much tears in so long. The only rooms that had not fully emptied out was Daehwi's and Kuan Lin's. Since their disappearance was recent, it wouldn't take everything right away. Daniel walked down the stairs and head to the living room. There was a lot of memories there with the other 10. Daniel spotted the picture he had taken with the others from a year ago. He held it up and looked through the picture. The red strip holding all of them together, everyone smiling happily.

I want to stop time and go back to this.

Daniel thought as he rubbed his fingers over all the member's faces, the tears that Daniel thought had stopped continued to flow. Tear droplets hit along the picture frames, it was painful for Daniel to endure despite being alone in the house. He put it back on it's stand then suddenly heard voices.

"Daniel hyung! Come on!" He heard one shout.

"Hey, that's not fair! You guys always leave me out!" He heard himself shout back at the person.

Am I hallucinating?

As he walked around the house, those voices can still be heard clearly. It's not like it was getting further away or getting closer. Daniel was confused, he made the living room and kitchen upside down. He turned and looked at the door, he swore the door wasn't blue before. As he approached the door slowly, he can hear the others laughing. He knocked on the door, the laughters stopped. He held onto the knob afraid of what's going on, but he really wanted to see the other boys again.

"Guys.. I will see you guys again. Just wait for me.." Daniel muttered.

He turned the knob and went out the door, everything behind him shone a great light behind him. He saw them, all of the boys sitting at the table eyeing him, he only smiled brightly as he went to them.

Daniel woke up holding his heart tightly, he looked around him to notice it was only night time. He scrambled out of bed, heading down the hall to see his roommates. He only let out a deep sigh as his roommates look at him weirdly.

"I told you to not go on days without sleeping didn't I?" The elder said to him. "Are you feeling better now Daniel?"

"Yeah.. I am." Daniel answered. "What are you guys doing anyways.?"

"You missed Jisung, he came back to visit before he went back to schedules." One responded.

"Dang it man. I missed him so much." Daniel said as he could only watch his friend from TV.

Daniel thought for a second then decided to go on a walk. His roommates shouted for him but he ignored them. He traveled to a cafe which wasn't that far from him. As he stepped inside, he was met with the coffee fragrance. He spotted similar faces, he wasn't sure on who they were. He saw 2-4 of them wearing their masks and hats to hide their identity but he was still able to recognize them.

"Hey Daniel!" He turned to the right and saw Jisung waving over.

Daniel saw him and rushed over to hug the elder tightly.

"I miss you so much you brat!" Daniel said squeezing the elder.

"Haha, Daniel, let go- I'm gonna die." Jisung said as Daniel let go laughing.

"Ah, I met these boys, come." He led Daniel to a big table at the back.

"Jisung hyung is back." One said.

"Who's the muscular guy?" The other asked.

"Okay okay you guys, this is Kang Daniel. He was a friend of mines that I be talking about." He introduced me to them.

"Daniel, this is Hwang Minhyun. I ran into him in backstage of Music bank." Jisung introduced the two.

"Next to him is Ha Sungwoon, I met him when our company were having a little showdown just for fun."

"Our comedy person, Ong Seongwu. I seen him couple times before actually meeting him. I think it was Vietnam?"

"Thailand, get your countries right." Seongwu said which made the group burst into laughter.

Jisung continued to introduce the remaining boys. Kim Jaehwan, Park Jihoon, Park Woojin, Bae Jinyoung, Lee Daehwi, and Lai Kuan Lin. Say, Daniel thought he had known those names before. He really couldn't think of it, whether it was from his dreams or what not. Remembering time, he looked down at his watch and looked back at the boys.

"You guys enjoy okay? I'm gonna go back to the dorm and rest." Daniel informed.

"We should get going too, we will have more time soon in the future." Jaehwan commented.

"Jisung hyung. Make a group chat, I'm sure we all can communicate there." Jinyoung suggested.

"Alright, deal." Jisung said agreeing to Jinyoung's suggestion.

The eleven boys made their way out of the cafe together. They parted their ways shouting goodbyes or good nights. As Daniel was left alone, he couldn't help but to feel happy.

Were they the boys that I have dream about?


Forever One || WANNA ONENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ