Chapter 7

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Justin's POV



I know that was kind of mean, but sometimes she's just so annoying, I just wished my dad was still here. I miss him so much, I cant even explain it.

I rush downstairs, and step into my car. I then release a breath I didnt even know I was holding. I am going to pick up Amy for a friend hangout and I am nervous as hell. She is extremely pretty with full lips and hair. She takes my breath away everytime I glance at her, and I just knew that I had to find a way to become her friend.

I arrived at her house, and rang the doorbell. After like around 5 minutes, a woman that looks around her early fourty's opened the door and she looked just like Amy but wrinklier.
I could see that her eyes were red, and she looked she didnt sleep last night.

'Excuse me mam, please have you seen Amy? I said,trying my best to ignore her physical features.
But immediately I called Amy's name she burst into tears.

' g.ot... accident while returning home. Immediately she said that she fell on the floor crying her eyes out.

No, no it's not possible this isnt right. Tears almost escaping from my eyes, I didnt even bother to ask any more questions, I just quickly rushed to my car.

I drove to the nearest hospital, and lucky enough when I asked for an Amy Thompson, the receptionist was able to direct me to where she was.
Room 207

I slowly opened the door to see her fast asleep with a few cuts and bruises all over her body. My body shivered at the sight of her misfortune.
As I went closer to her I could see tears trying to dry Asif she forced herself to sleep while crying. I know we just met but immediately I saw her in school I fell in love with her plush lips, full dark hair, beautiful hazel eyes.
But now most of those features have been replaced with bruises and cuts and it hurt my heart.

Amy's POV

I woke up to find a sleeping Justin in a chair by my side, and instantly a smile appeared on my face. It was so sweet that he came to see me, he's definitely giving me more reasons to like him as a friend obviously.
He's amazing in every way, I'm so lucky to have him in my life.

I think the heat radiating from my eyes woke him up or something, because after some intense staring he woke up.

' Hey princess, how you feeling. I cant believe he just said that, I think I started blushing. I'm not sure.
I tried to compose myself to stop my severe blushiness that I wasn't sure of.

' I'm just chilling in my tower and waiting for my prince.

Justin just burst out laughing, and ad they say laughing is contagious so I started laughing to. When I was with him I forgot all my problems. Then everything came rushing back to me, all my problems and instantly my laugh turned into crying.

'Hey, baby girl stop crying. He said while cleaning some droplets of tears from my eyes.

I buried my head in his shirt and cried my eyes out.
'I'm so sorry, I got your shirt wet and I think I got some snot on there as well. I replied while trying to compose myself.

'Baby girl, it's fine you can even add more snot there, so that I can boast to my friends that a pretty girl cried on me.

I shoved him in the chest and immediately he started laughing, and immediately I felt better. His laugh made me fell so cosy and special, just dont know how to explain it.

'I'm honestly feeling a lot better, let's escape. Help me get up and be a gentleman, will you? I teased

'Well, I'm far from being a gentleman but for you I'll try my best. He replied

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