Jinnie Senses | Seokjin

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It was another long night as Y/N curled up under the sheets. No matter how much she wished she could, there was no way she was going to fall asleep. Sleeping had always been difficult for her. Night time was much too scary sleep comfortably. So she just laid there wide-eyed, clinging to her stuffed animal for dear life.  Sitting up, she crawled her way over to her bedside table to find her phone, shuffling through the endless mountain of pillows and knocking some down in the process.

She grabbed her phone and looked at the time.  It was already far past midnight.  Of course.  She sighed as reached over to put it back. But before she could place it down, her phone vibrated against her palm, the shock caused her to drop it to the floor. Naturally, she went toppling off the bed to go after it, accidentally bumping into her bedside table along the way.

"Owww..."  She whined as she rubbed the newly-formed lump on her head and she unlocked her phone with her other hand. It was a new text from her boyfriend, Seokjin.

'Do you want me to come sleep over tonight?'

A huge smile shined across her face. Just that one question was all it took to lift her spirits.  She quickly grabbed the phone and started typing the word 'yes' at rapid speed.

'good because I'm already in your house'

Suddenly her bedroom door clicked open.

Y/N's head whipped towards to sound to see Seokjin already allowing himself in.  She let out a tiny yelp and held a pillow to her chest to cover herself, as if her teddy bear pajamas were way too provocative to expose.  He shut the door behind him, still shoving his keys back into his pocket.


"Sweetheart, what are you doing on the floor?"  He shook his head and smiled as he walked towards the little girl curled around her pillow.

"I-I fell down."  She pouted and looked up with shiny eyes, watching him as he came closer.  Holding his arms out towards her, he teasingly puffed his bottom lip, pulling the same face she was.  He hummed a soft giggle when she lifted her arms up to to him.

"Oh, my poor baby," he cooed.  He squatted and held tightly onto her waist.  "Come on, up we go."

He let out a strained grunt as he pulled her up into his arms.  Y/N clung onto him as he carried her to the bed. Without letting her go, Seokjin relaxed back onto her bed resting his head against his little's pillows.  Stretching his neck, he smiled down at Y/N who was already wrapping her arms and legs around his side.

She laid her head against his chest as the sound of his heart beating immediately began to soothe her.  Trying his best not to make Y/N get up, he undid his belt and kicked his pants away, leaving his shirt and boxers as his makeshift pajama set for the night.  Y/N giggled as he struggled to get his pants off.  She knew that wrapping around his body was making it more difficult for him, but it was too funny to let go.  Thankfully, Seokjin thought it was funny too and giggled along with her.

"Jinnie?"  Y/N mumbled against his chest as he pulled the blanket over the two of them.


"You came in the house without asking again."  Seokjin began to laugh as he made last adjustments until they were both comfortable and settled into place.

"Hey, I did ask!"  He raised his eyebrows at her, pretending to be offended.  "By the time I remembered, I was already in the driveway."  Y/N just squinted at him.  "Hey, don't look at me like that.  You know you wanted me here anyway."

"Hmmmm..  Maaaaaybe I did~"  She tried her best to hide the truth, suddenly feeling a little mischievous.

"Just maybe?"  He teased and placed a small kiss on the top of her head.

"I did." Giggles peeked their way through her words as she gave in and confessed.  She let out a tiny yawn and nuzzled onto the fabric of his shirt. "Thank you, Daddy."

"You're welcome, princess.  Somehow I knew you were having another rough night."

"Really? You knew?!"

Y/N looked up at him excitedly.  She seemed so impressed.  Even if it were the smallest thing, she was always amazed by anything he did.  When she stared up at him with that adorable wide-eyed expression, his heart never failed to melt.  The whole situation was just so cute, it made it difficult for Seokjin to hold back his laughter.  He nodded at her and pushed a stray hair back from her face.

"That's right, baby girl.  I call it my Jinnie senses."  Lifting up a finger, he tapped his temple, signifying the location as the source of his superpowers.  Y/N reached up and tapped the same spot on his forehead, copying him.  He let out an airy mix of laughter and a sigh as he grinned from ear to ear.

"Now go to sleep, it's past your bedtime."

Y/N nodded against his chest giggled into his shirt as he began brushing his fingers through her hair. Goosebumps spread on his arms as a tiny sound left Y/N's lips, knowing she was enjoying the feeling of his fingers in her hair.  A smile and a tiny puff of air left his lips as he saw that she had finally relaxed.

In Seokjin's arms, the world finally seemed a little less scary than how she had seen it before.  Now she knew that no matter what happened, she would be safe in the protective arms of her boyfriend.  All her fears simply faded away and she knew she could sleep without any worries.  Her head moved comfortably, up and down, along the gentle rise and fall of Seokjin's chest. 

A gentle smile made a home on Seokjin's lips as he felt her drift to sleep.  He watched as her eyes fluttered shut before finally doing so himself. 

Planting a soft kiss on her forehead, Seokjin whispered against her skin.

"Sweet dreams, princess."



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A/N:  I hope you like it!  This ones just a one-shot I already had written a while ago and was just sitting here haha~  Oh!  And just incase it wasn't clear at first, I meant to imply that Seokjin usually walks in her house unexpected.  I tried to show that they had that kind of comfort in their relationship but I see where it could be taken both ways haha!  He's not being creepy I promise! ♡♡♡

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