Chapter Seventeen: The Tracker

Start from the beginning

"Why?" Daniella asked, confusion evident in her tone.

"You'll see why." Jasper laughed ironically.


    The storm clouds in the sky gathered together slowly as their car pulled into the clearing. Daniella could roughly see the baseball diamond, set into the field in front of her. They each got out of the car and Esme and Emmett greeted them as they neared.

"Good! You're hear. We need an umpire." Esme stated. Daniella quickly put her finger onto her nose and looked to Bella, as if to say not it. Bella rolled her eyes and shoved Dani playfully making them both laugh.

"She thinks we cheat." Emmett's grin gave away that he knows they cheat, making Daniella laugh.

"I know you cheat. Call them as you see it Bella." Esme smiled as she turned away and they both walked towards their position on the makeshift field. As a deep rumble of thunder shook through the forest, Alice turned to the rest of the family.

"It's time." Daniella heard her yell. Bella stayed by Esme as the game began, she was the catcher. As Alice pitched with her lightning-fast speed Emmett and Edward took their positions in the outfield. Rosalie stepped up to the plate and hit the ball with the aluminum bat, causing a loud boom that sounded a lot like the thunder from the storm. Daniella felt arms wrap around her waist from behind, as Jasper laid his chin onto her shoulder, she smiled as she held his sleeve covered arms around her.

"I see why you need the storm to play." Dani muttered to Jasper. He let out a chuckle that sent a spark of happiness through her, making her smile. The ball shot like a meteor through the trees and into the forest as Edward ran after it.

"That has to be a home run." Daniella heard Bella say to Esme. Dani watched as Esme wore a proud smile on her face.

"Edward is very fast." She replied. Dani watched as Rosalie hit each base, looking like a blur as she ran. She watched as Edward raced out of the forest and threw the ball to home plate, only a second before Rosalie slid to it.

"You're out." Bella announced. Emmett was gloating as Rosalie stood an growled at Bella lowly.

"Babe, come on. It's just a game!" Emmett called and then the game proceeded.

    Daniella watched as Carlisle stepped up to the plate and hit the ball. It zoomed from home plate and Edward and Emmett raced after the ball, jumping to catch it and colliding together sounding like boulders falling from cliff. Both missing the ball allowing Dr. Cullen to get to home. Daniella felt Jasper let go of her, causing her to stand straight and watch him walk up to bat.

 Daniella felt Jasper let go of her, causing her to stand straight and watch him walk up to bat

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"Hit me a homerun, babe." Dani smirked as she flirted aimlessly with her boyfriend. She watched as he did a little trick with the bat and smirked over to her giving her a wink as he stepped up to bat. But when Alice pitched the next ball for Jasper and he whacked it into the forest, she gasped.

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