Sock, Arms (Part 3)

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His heart beats fast, and it's as if the world slows down, even if it's just for a fraction of a second. He squeezes my hand once then lets go as everyone climbs to their feet, laughing and in tears.

Sonny winks at me from across the hall, and my smile widens so much that my cheeks.

He's staying... Sonny's staying...


I grumble to myself when I see it's just gone two in the morning.

Sonny and I hadn't had a chance to talk properly earlier today, in the excitement of it all, and it didn't feel right. I can't sleep because of it, and I hate my reliance on him; my body craves him.

With a frustrated yawn I get out of my bed. I open my bedroom door and pad along the hallway until I reach Sonny's room; I don't bother knocking. With a wince I slip inside, push the door closed, and climb under his covers.

He's fast asleep, I realise, but he pulls me into his arms anyway. I start to relax a little, and I just stare at him as he sleeps.

He looks like an angel from above. He sounds like an angel from above. His smile and his laughter cured my frozen heart, and cured me, mostly. I think about him in the middle of the night when I can't sleep, and all I do is smile. I remember his tenderness that first day we met, and that first night. He met the real me that night, but he took it in stride. He made sure I was okay, from that night, to every night after.

I play with his curly hair, giggle a little when it springs all over the place. I'm still giggling when he mumbles something unintelligible, eyes blinking open.

'Hey you,' I smile, lean in close to lay my head in the crook of his neck. Sonny buries his face in my hair and snakes his arms around my waist, where they stroke my back.

'Hey,' he yawns.

I giggle as it tickles, and I can feel him smiling.

'This feels right,' I say into the silence that follows, 'it feels so right with you.'

Sonny pulls me closer, if that's possible. 'It does indeed.'

I pull away enough so that I'm facing him, and he frowns down at me, half asleep.

It's the most adorable sight in the world, and I feel my heart pound in my chest until it's goo.

He looks so confused, and I kiss him. I take his jaw in my hand and kiss him, his lips on mine, and everything just slots into place; it's like I'm home for the first time, in his arms, and it feels so right.

Sonny kisses me back, and that feeling increases tenfold and I feel like I'm about to explode. I love every second of the kiss, the sweetness of it, the softness to his lips, how he's tired and that's adorable.

One thing still haunts me though, haunts me enough to break off the kiss and take a breath.

'Are you sure I'm what you want Sonny? Because I know I'm needy-'

Sonny cuts me off with a kiss on the lips, and a sigh. He's more awake now, and I'm guilty, but I'm also thankful that he's here with me. I don't want anyone else but him.

I thought I felt that way about my ex. I guess I did; it was my ex that didn't feel the same way about me. I see what the boys meant this whole time, when they said I did nothing wrong. I guess the only thing I did wrong was love someone who didn't love me in the same way.

And then I found myself right back at the start of it all.

I still remember that phone call, at three in the morning. It woke me up. I was confused and disorientated, but panicking, because I thought something serious had happened. I'd picked up, heard his cold voice, and my heart stopped. He said those words, and I didn't even get a chance to respond. He hung up on me, and I sat on my bed, in shock, until the house started to wake up. My phone stayed grasped in my hand.

It'd been Andy that found me the next morning, not having moved. I couldn't speak, and I spent an hour silently falling apart in his arms. I didn't cry, didn't make a sound. Just held onto Andy in my shock and fear. He didn't say anything either - how could he, if he didn't know what happened? I shut down then, and stayed that way, until Sonny.

With Sonny, everything feels different. He makes me feel alive.

'I want you. No one else but you.'

He takes the words right out of my mouth.

'Are you sure?'

Even though I trust him, part of me is scared.

'Jack, even amongst flashing lights, nothing can blind my view of you; absolutely nothing. All I see is you, and that's all I ever want to see,' he whispers, stares deep into my eyes. He presses his forehead against mine, a hand tangled in my hair.

My eyes water, and I bring my lips to his, breathe him in. I want to memorise how he feels. What he tastes like. I want to stay in this moment forever. I want him to stay.

'Stay,' I murmur when he pulls me down for a cuddle. 'Please don't go.'

'Always Jack. I'll always stay with you.'

'Promise?' I mumble, hold my pinky finger out so he can see.

He does, and Sonny giggles, making me smile and hide my face in his chest.

He wraps his pinky around mine, cuddles me into him. 'We're eternal, and that's a promise.'


"Flashing lights, nothing can blind my view."

Okay, Author's Note away.

There's nothing other way to say this - this will be my last one shot, and I don't know if I'll be back. I feel I need to spend some time sorting my own life out, and myself too. I've been writing these Oneshots for over a year now - I know! It's crazy! But I think it's time for me to step away from this.

I'm currently editing a book I wrote that's going to be published this year - I'm so excited for this! It's always been my dream to get a book published, and somehow this is happening... I kinda of can't believe it. But for this to be done, I need to focus my time on that, and not on Fanfictions; as fun as they are to write. I genuinely have enjoyed writing these for you all, and your feedback and comments always motivates me to write more... I've decided to turn that motivation to my original work now, because it's what I want to do.

You guys have been incredible, right from the start. With voting and commenting and suggesting ideas... the support from you has been amazing, and so that's why I decided to make my last Oneshot a fluffy, happy one. Because that's how every single one of you should feel every day. You're all amazing people, every single person that ever reads this, and I wish you all the best for the future.

Flicker still has a few chapters to go - it will be finished, don't worry. MissTaken17 has exams next week, and once they're over, we can go full steam ahead properly; I don't want to write this next chapter without her, because it's one we've been anticipating writing for a long time; it's only fair we do this together, as we always have done.

But yeah, this is it from me on this account. I love you all. This has been an absolute blast, and I'm sad to leave, but I need to.

Love WolfGirl.❤️

Also, can you find the references to the EP in this Oneshot? ️❤️🎆

Roadtrip OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora