OT5, Three Out Of Five

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This was a request, so here it is before I start the next round of ships. I hope you enjoy it. ❤️❤️


The Mindy room was always the best place for something like this. Plenty of room, and enough space for the five of us to take care of eachother.


"Rye!" I heard Andy yell, and I sat bolt upright in my bed. The fog still surrounded me seeing as I'd literally just woken up, but his panicked voice broke right through it. I clambered to my feet, not bothering to pull on anything over my boxers, and rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I walked the short distance.

My heart sank the second I turned the corner.

Mikey curled up in bed, sweating and restless, and a worried Andy Fowler with his hand on his forehead. He looked up as I approached, the relief that I was there clearly showing on his face.

"He's ill Rye... he's ill." Andy breathlessly spoke, eyes wide and full of concern, and my heart hammered.
I hated it when any of my boyfriends became ill. I hated seeing them feel so low.

I'd woken up fully by now. Seeing the state Mikey was in was enough for me to shake the fog from my head... I wasn't even angry that Andy had woken me up.

Just like Andy, I felt myself fall into full panic mode. But I calmed myself down, because I knew that Andy was already panicking. It just wouldn't work having two panicked boyfriend's.
I took a few slow deep breaths, holding them again, before I knelt down beside Mikey.

"Hey baby." I murmered softly as I ran a hand through his hair. I almost recoiled... his head was so hot...
No wonder he was so restless.

"Rye?" His voice quivered back weakly, and I sighed softly when he turned he turned his head and opened his eyes.
So pitiful, and tired, and weak.

I instantly pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I'm right here." I replied, before I tuned back to face Andy.

"Fovvs... I need you to get me some flannels from the bathroom. And a bowl of cold water. We need to cool him down a bit otherwise he won't be able to go back to sleep." I vocally planned my thoughts, shushing Mikey when he kept trying to speak.

I didn't even hear Andy rush from the room.

"Just lay still Mike." I continued to stroke his hair, now kneeling on the floor beside his bed.

"I feel awful Rye." He whimpered, bringing a hand up to his head and rubbing it softly. My heart thumped again.

"Do you have a headache too?" I quietly asked, not wanting to make it any worse if he did have one.

"Yeah... everything hurts." He squeezed his eyes shut, and I kissed his cheek again.

He was burning up.

"You'll be okay in a bit Mike... we'll look after you." I whispered, continuing to play with his hair. See, I knew it calmed him down quickest... we all knew it.

"Thank you." He panted. Mikey was seriously overheating... I hated it when I couldn't do much to help them all.

"Fovvs! That water would be good right about now." I called loudly, but not too loudly for Mikey's sake. I waited for a few more seconds, before I felt myself grow impatient. By now Mikey was tossing slightly, unable to get comfortable, and was constantly fighting the covers that I'd wrapped around him.

Roadtrip OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora