"You know, cousin, you are joining us whether you like it or not! So you might as well join now to save your mudblood girlfriend." Delphini says. there is so sense of remorse in her tone. she is just as cruel and evil as her mother and father.

"DON'T DO IT DRACO!" I manage to shout through the pain.

"Ugh! Shut her up!" She groans. I wanted to die. I wanted to make this pain stop for even just one second to now what it was like without it.

"I am never going to join you!" He whimpers, fighting the arms holding him back.

"You stupid boy. Hurt her!" the pain got 10 times more intense. my nails dug so far into my skin but I couldn't feel that pain. Everything i loved died before my eyes, the hallucinations floated around me as my sight doubled, tripled, quadrupled!

Draco's P.O.V

she was squirming on the ground hopeless, helpless. I couldn't do anything myself which made me want to die. She wasn't only torturing her, but torturing me by making me watch this.

"STOP!" I scream but it was no use. she was crying and yelling and wailing in pain, a pain that would have never happened if i had just controlled myself in that forest! None of this would ever have happened if it wasn't for me. "LET HER GO! NOW! PLEASE JUST LET HER GO!"

"GOD! Lucius," Her screaming stops as Delphini starts speaking. Her cries still sound louder then I have ever heard anyone cry before, "I think it's in your best interest to SHUT YOUR RUNT OF A SON UP! Or you will end up in the same sticky situation as your wife!" My dad goes pale.

"Wait...?" I hear Hermione whisper from the floor. It hit me like a truck.

"YOU KILLED HER!" I scream the power of my anger got to much and 2 more guys ran behind me to hold me back. I tried to charge for Delphini but it was no use.

"Yes, yes. That stupid mother of yours didn't know what was good for her and refused to give herself... and... possibly you up. She was in my way, and I deposed of her quite effectively." she says seeming proud of herself. I have never been so ashamed pf my family, well I didn't think I had been until the next few moments. "Now this is just getting boring! I want to get in on this torturing action! Lucius, hold your son back!" She demands. I turn to my father, cowering in the corner. He sighs and walks up in my direction.

"Dad!" I mumble.

"But I will ask again, because i am so polite, Draco? Join us, or see your sweet, innocent little girlfriend suffer!" I look down at Hermione on the ground. she is shaking her head, tears shaking out of her eyes.

"I will NEVER join you!"

"DRACO!" my father snaps, "Your my son!" i pause. watching his eyes fall into heart ache and betrayal.

"You? You are NO father of mine." his jaw drops as he slowly takes one of my arms from the men. I fight, trying to hit and kick him but it was no use. I was stuck.

"God, so emotional! Now i say we give little Mrs Granger a matching scare, shall we?" Delphini says. i watch her on the ground again, a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry!" i mouth to her. her eyes tear up like mine.

"Its ok!" she mouths back. Delphini struts over the Hermione. she shakes her head violently. "No. Please don't!"

Hermione' P.O.V

"This is my mothers knife!" Delphini says, grabbing a knife out of her sock. Sock.

"Dobby!" Draco screams. what a monster! She lies on top of my, one arm across my body, holding me down, the other holding the knife. I was having dejavu except this actually happened to me. Bellatrix laying on me, carving aggressively into my skin, and Draco stands by and watches, only this time he cant do anything to stop it. I didn't want him to see me in pain. He has seen to much of that, felt to much of that. I clench my fists so tight, grit my teeth and squeeze my eyes closed. i feel the cold blade hit my still burning skin and pierce through it. I wanted to scream but i held back the urge. i curl my toes and wriggle my legs as if i can break free. Draco screams and shouts in the background, telling everyone to leave us alone and let me go. I felt worse that when i finally find someone I can love, and loves me in return, we get punished for it. we get hurt and damaged just because of who our parents are. I gasp for air but i felt as if someone had wrapped ropes around my Trachea, not letting any air go in or out. my eyes were still shut tight when everything stopped. was i dead? why was i no longer hurting? why could i not feel Delphini's heavy weight on me? i squint open one eye and see Delphini's body hit the wall. All the death eaters run over to help her up. Draco had run over my body and grabbed my hand.

"Oh my god!" I say as i get yanked up. Tears poured out of my face uncontrollably as i jump into his arms.

"We are going to get out of here, ok?!" she whispers into my ear. I see Lucius, standing where he was with Draco, looking back and forth between us and them, conflicted. "I love you so much Hermione!"

"I love you too!" I cry. Everything slowed down. why? why did it slow down? I started to panic as I feel his hands touch my chest and throw me backwards. my hair covers my vision and i land in someones arms. I watched as the flash of green light hit his chest. I watched as the light left his eyes and every part of his soul washed away. I watched as his lifeless body hit the floor with a crash. I watched as his murder laughed and disparate off into thin air. It's not real. this can't be happening. I watched as Lucius let me go, guided me off to his sons body, and then left himself. I was to sad to cry. He was gone. He was really, truly gone. And its all my fault.

Guilty pleasure // a Dramione storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora