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{No POV}

Tom stayed silent as generals debated where the dammed base could be, they have some leads but no actual evidence.

This annoyed Tom even more knowing his lover had just been snatched from him and he couldn't do anything about it. He gave a blank yet cold expression making those around him fear his next actions.

"I say we check the woods, they aren't dumb enough to go into open areas-but if you so do desire Brandon we could check towns and etc.", Jaylen concluded having a seemingly angered face on.

Jaylen and Tord were close like Tom and Jacob were, if Tom couldn't be there Tord was. He had helped her through tough times and fought alongside her in few battles. They even went on little friend outings along with Tom and Jacob.

But that's gone now because of one target the entire board is looking for, Matt Greens. The leader of the rebellion and kidnapper of Tord Lawson.

Mainly they are doing this because Tord has information on almost everything about the bases and having him have no memory of the alliance between them was a very dangerous thing. Tom was doing it because he cared about Tord maybe a little to much, though it doesn't faze him now.

" I agree.", Tom said making everyone flinch in surprise. His voice was a brutal and cold one, after the incident that's how it's been. Alongside the endless torture of rebellion soldiers. Most of them are dead-most meaning at least 90% of them.

The generals nodded and started sending troops on their way as Tom made way to his room. He opens it to reveal it being cold, and quiet. It was a mess with broken things all along the floor. Some things even showing tints of blood from when Tom would accidentally cut himself trying to cleanup the place.

He hated it, the room. It was emptied without the red peak bothering him almost every second, or the small flirts he would whisper making it blush. He hated missing the man so dearly that every thought of him made his heart break. Every living moment he reminds himself of all the horrible things Matt had done.

Anger bubbled inside him as he clenched onto a cup that had no significance. Matt took Tord away, Matt took Tord away-a glass cup hit the wall shattering to pieces and falling to floor making the man grunt in even more anger as he would have to clean it.

He spent his time his time alone after the events of yesterday, what did they do to him. It's all that ran through his mind besides the memories and hatred. What did they do to his Little Red?

{Tords POV}

I sat down on my new bed eating a plate of pancakes, the taste was heaven. Weirdly enough I don't remember being saved by Matt like at all. But I trust him, after all he is my best friend! Though something

People usually ask memories on the events that happened when I was with Tom, I only remember the awful parts. The pain, it left scars-mentally. A part of me feels weird when I think about him though, I feel like I'm missing something...

I finish eating and leave the plate on the bedside table. I pop on these visors I was told to wear due to eyesight problems caused by Tom.

I then proceeded to dress in a red undershirt along with a black vest, pants, and shoes. Though oddly enough I decided to wear blue socks, no one would see them anyways.

"Tord! Finished eating already? Well, come on-I need help with paperwork!", I nod following him to his office but strange enough not seeing Edd.

The last time I saw him he tried to tell me something only to be dragged away by Matt, I thought nothing of it but am slowly getting concerned due to him not being here.

"Where's Edd...?", I asked with major concern-sure he was stupid but he was still my friend

"He's fine.", Matt said avoiding eye contact in my direction. I look back eyeing a door as I heard a conversation in it.

My focus was redirected into Matt grabbing my arm and pulling me in the direction we were walking in again.

"Where are we going?", Matt glances at me before opening a door to a lab like room.

I slowly remember all the bad things that used to happen to me in the rooms. The pain and suffering, all in a minute.

My breathing heavy's as we enter the room, I look around and see tools of all sorts-some still with slight blood.

I feel a hand grab mine and look up to see Matt, he gave a comforting smile calming me down slightly. Though, that smile for some insane reason reminded me of Tom....

"Don't worry, we just are going to ask for information. That room is being occupied at the moment.", he smiled before turning to scientist.

I hear the door open and see Vanessa with a concerned look on her face. She looks in my way and smiles gleefully.

"Tord!", she rushes over and gives me a hug. "Hey Ness!", I return the hug which lasts until she pulls away.

"Where have you been?", she again showed a concerned face. "I was Matt! And now I'm here!", Vanessa showed confusion then pain?

"You ok Ness?", I went to reach out to her only to be pushed away. She then focused her attention to Matt and whispered things to him.

Did I do something wrong?

{Vanessa POV}

"You what!", I harshly whispered only for Matt to laugh at my response.

"No-this isn't funny you took away his h-memories...", Matt glared at me before looking away.

"I had to, Tom did things to Tord he shouldn't have. Letting him have only those memories of the situation helps our side. It's for the greater good.", he smiled and looked back in my direction.

"Look on the bright side-now you get a chance to tell him how you feel!", Matt whispered making me fire up.

"If he ever finds out the truth-I don't think you ever will.", I turned and walked away with hatred for the leader.

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