"I dunno, that's why we should look for him."

MJ hopped down from her bed, crossing her arms. "Sure, I'm in." She was bored, anyways. Besides, it would be amusing to watch them get caught.

Sally looked over at everybody. "I don't want to miss this, so count me in." 

Everybody else agreed to come along, besides Ned and Flash. "Why don't you guys want to come?" Abe asked them.

Flash let out a over dramatic groan. "You know what? Whatever, fine. I don't want to be stuck with his loser," Flash said, pointing his thumb at Ned, "so I'll come."


Ned was reluctant to go. He already knows where Peter went, anyways. Then again, he can at least try to stop the group from exploring anywhere Ned knows their not aloud to go, such as the Avengers common room. 

"Fine, I'll come then." He sighed reluctantly, getting up from his bed. Charles was smiling brightly.

After the group had as stealthily as a group of loud teenagers could they snuck out the door. It didn't take them long to begin arguing. 

"We should go left, it only makes sense!" Abe whispered harshly to Charles.

Charles crossed his arms. "But right is always right!"

"Never say that again, that sounds cringey." Cindy advised Charles from where she stood beside Sally.

"We're going right." Flash decided, as he already began walking off. Charles sent Abe a shit eating grin, and followed after Flash. Abe cursed something under his breath as he followed.

Ned whispered to MJ, "It's creepy here when it's so quiet." 

MJ gave him a risen eyebrow. "You afraid of the dark?"

"What? No, it just looks... Different, compared to the daytime. Less... Lively." He explained, scratching the back of his neck.

"Whatever, loser."

They all quickly came across an elevator, and Abe didn't hesitate as he clicked the open button for the elevator doors. He slipped inside, and the others jumped in after him. Flash pushed his way over to the buttons, and put a hand on his chin, as if thinking about what button to press.

"Let's go to the highest floor." Flash suggested quickly, already pulling forward to press level 83. 

"Wait no, let's go to floor 78!" Sally chimed in. "What's on floor 78?" Abe asked her.

"I think it's the Avengers common area. We might get to see the Avengers!" 

"Oh my god yes, let's go to floor 78!" Cindy screeched, excitement beginning to bubble through her.

"W-wait, that seems like a bad idea. I mean, what if the Avengers are actually there? We will probably get kicked out of the building!" Ned pointed out. In reality, he had a strong feeling that was where his friend may be.

Charles glanced over at Ned. "We'll be stealthy, they won't even know we were there." 

"They're the Avengers, we can't be stealthy around them." Ned argued back.

"It's late, they're probably sleeping!"

"They have security cameras, and a freaking assassin!"

"Then we get to meet the assassin!"

"I don't see why your excited about that!"

"It's Black Widow. THE BLACK WIDOW!"

While the two were arguing back and forth, Flash clicked the level 78 button, causing the elevator doors to shut behind them. "Flash! What did you do!?" Ned asked, bewildered. 

Three Day Field Trip to Stark TowerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon