"Want a foot rub?"

"Seriously?" Tobin asks and looks at me.

"Of course."

"I'd love one."

"Cool." I say then spread my legs so Tobin can lay down. "Flip around."

Tobin stands up then lays back down and lays between my legs. She then rests her feet on my chest as I rub my hands together so they won't be cold. Once my hands are warm I place them on Tobin's right foot and get to work.

"Fucking hell." Tobin whispers.

"My hands aren't only good for stopping shots." I say with a smirk.

"I can tell."

"I want a foot rub." I hear Ali mumble.

Ash looks at me then sighs.

"Sorry Ash."

"I don't mind." Ash says then pulls her fiancée's feet on her lap.

"Astrid." Kelley innocently says and bats her eyelashes.

"Sorry Kelloggs." I say and switch feet so I'm massaging Tobin's left foot. "I'm a bit preoccupied."

"You're lucky I love you."

"Just ask Christen..." I say and look at my brunette best friend. "Never mind."

Her and Alex are napping together.

"Strides where are you gonna live in Utah?" My twin asks.

"I'll probably get my own apartment."

Kelley goes to say something, but the cheering on the tv cuts her off.

"Looks like we'll be playing England in the semi-finals."

"You're confident." Kelley says.


"You put Tobin to sleep." Mal says while giggling.

I look towards my girlfriend and sure enough she is asleep.

As I'm looking at the most beautiful woman in the world peacefully sleeping I have this weird feeling inside that I haven't felt in a long time.

"Kelley." I whisper.


"Do you have your phone on you?"

"I do."

I take out my phone and text my sister.

Me: I have this weird feeling in my body.

Kelloggs🐅: Okay? What kind of feeling?

Kelloggs🐅: Wait your not pregnant are you?

Me: Really Kels.

Kelloggs🐅: Right you only like chicks got it.

Kelloggs🐅: So what feeling do you have?

Me: I love Tobin.

Kelloggs🐅: WHAT

Me: I haven't felt like this before.

Kelloggs🐅: Not even with you know who?

Me: Kels before she got pregnant I was going to break up with her, but then she got pregnant and everything went down hill from there.

Kelloggs🐅: Are you going to tell Tobin?

Me: I don't know.

Me: I kinda don't want to just yet.

Kelloggs🐅: Why?

Me: What if she doesn't say it back? What if she doesn't love me? What if she can't love me? What if I'm to much of a burden?

Kelloggs🐅: First off breathe.

Kelloggs🐅: Second...Astrid you can't think like that.

Kelloggs🐅: Besides it's obvious Tobin loves you. Everytime you walk into the room she gets instantly happier. She always has heart eyes around you and you know why I'm 100 % sure she loves you.

Me: Why?

Kelloggs🐅: She stayed.

Kelloggs🐅: After you laid all of your baggage on the table on your first date she stayed.

Kelloggs🐅: Ever since you two started dating you have been more open with everyone. You don't bottle up your feelings.

Me: Well that's all thanks to Tobin.

Kelloggs🐅: Duh.

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