Chapter forty-nine: Fireworks and feuding friends

Start from the beginning

At the thought of that, I smiled.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I just am going to go look for my friends," I said.

What friends? my mind said, All you have left is Evan.

I ignored it.

Mom nodded her head and said, "Okay, I'll be at the food tents helping with potato salad." She was carrying a bowl of some already prepared in her hand; it was covered with a thin sheet of plastic wrapping.

"Shoot me a text if you guys need me, okay?"

"Kay," Lizzie and I replied in unison.

Mom headed towards the food tents, and Lizzie turned toward me.

"Are you going to tell Harlee you're in love with her tonight?" she asked.

My eyes widened at how direct she was being.

Not to mention how loud.

Even though the parking lot was empty of people, I worried someone would hear her. I put a finger to my lips and said, "Shhh, Lizzie, you can't just say stuff like that out in public."

She shrugged her shoulders. "Sorry."

"I'm going to try," I told her. "She's here with Jasper, though, so I'm not sure if I'll get the chance to."

"Okay, well, good luck then," she said, patting my shoulder.

"Thanks, Lizzie, for everything," I said with genuine gratitude.

The corners of her mouth formed a brilliant smile. I could tell she was pleased with herself. "No problem," she replied.

"Lizzie!" a female voice called out from across the parking lot.

We turned around to see Evan and Karissa getting out of the Smiths' family car. Karissa was waving to Lizzie.

"Hey!" Lizzie greeted her friend.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith gave Lizzie and me a wave then started talking with the people in the car next to them. They all started heading into the park as Evan and Karissa hurried over to us. Karissa and Lizzie grabbed each other in a hug and started chatting like they hadn't seen each other in decades.

I used to wonder why they always acted that way when they saw one another since they hung out together so often. But after all that happened between Harlee and me, I didn't wonder it anymore.

I'd feel over the moon to be standing there with her in the parking lot too.

Evan made a confused face at their embrace and gestured for me to follow him. "They'll talk so long we'll miss the bonfire; let's go on without them," he remarked.

I laughed. "Facts. So, your text said, you're meeting Rachel here tonight?" I asked him.

"Rachel and...two other people," he said quietly.

I sighed. There was no point in beating around the bush. I already knew the two other people he was talking about.

"Two other people as in Jasper and Harlee," I said.

He mumbled, "Yeah, those two." He lowered his eyes, and I could tell he was feeling sorry for me. That was the last thing I wanted.

"Don't feel bad, Evan," I told him. "I caused this mess, and now it's up

to me to make things right."

"How?" he asked.

"By finally being honest about how I feel."

The summer we turned thirteen (Published)Where stories live. Discover now