Chapter 52

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"This place is not that bad." Ashton said looking around the Italian restaurant.

"Yea the food is delicious." Skylar said.

"Hello, my name is Mya, I will be your server today." She handed us the menu and asked. "Would you like any drink to start with?" She asked looking at Ashton with a flirty look and Skylar and I give each other an amusing look. The server was definitely beautiful with her light blond hair tied in a pony tail, with light blue eyes.

Ashton coughed and looked at Skylar and I. "Ladies first."

"Coke for me, please." I said with a smile and Skylar added another one for herself.

"Just ice water." Ashton muttered and the server nodded and excused herself.

"She seem pretty nice." I started and he give me a 'stop' sign.

"No cupid game, thanks."

"Darn it." I said and smiled. "Cupid always available."

Skylar laughed beside me, we were having a pretty good times. Talking about schools, catching up with Ashton about his classes and other things when my phone rang. I won't say I was not expecting that, but I do know Carson would be calling anything soon. I excused myself to go to the corner to talk.

"Hey baby." He said.

"Hi, how are you doing?"

"Where are you?" Was his reply.

"That's not the answer." I said, cracking a joke.

"Exactly, that's a question." He said.

"I am out." I simply answered.

"Out where? With who?"

"I already told you I was going out with Skylar and Ashton joined us."

"Ashton? Please don't tell me it is that child." He said sounding frustrated. "He was missing for a while and I thought he moved to another school."

"Don't worry, I am keeping him on check." I said and peeped to look at Skylar and Ashton who was having some sort of conversation.

"You think he will be on check without me?"

"Relaxed, you are on a short get-away." I said, rolling my eyes. "Enjoy."

"How can I enjoy when my girlfriend is with that douche-bag."

"He is not that bad."

"Not that bad." He repeated and there was a brief silence on the other end. "Him being nice is something I should be stressful about."

"There is nothing to be suspicious about, him and Skylar are getting along well too?"

"Sure." I heard him muttered, "I'm coming home."

"No, you are not. You are coming tomorrow night, anyway."

"I cannot do this. I already told you it was a really bad idea going without you and now hearing that douchebag is hanging out with you is making me feel very agitated."

"Relax, we are not even drinking. We are just grabbing dinner and then we are going home. You better enjoy yourself."

"I cannot." He muttered.

"I know you can and you will be doing that, I will keep you posted and let you know when I am home which is right after dinner."


"Yes, promise. Jeez, Carson." I said.

"I am just suspicious of him, just like how you don't like Tay" he started.

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