Chapter 22

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The next morning when I woke up, Carson was long gone. He left like he was never here in the first place and my heart tighten. He did leave a note of thank you and that was it. Skylar like she said, she won't be home she was actually not there when I woke up leaving me alone by myself in the room. I made some breakfast first to help my empty growling stomach and then after doing the dishes, I did some cleaning and completed with laundry. I was folding my clothes while listening to music when there was a knock on my door. I opened the door and Ashton was standing there with a smile and paper backs.

"I got some lunch, but I think I bought way too so I came to share some." He said.

Carson's warning from yesterday rang on my head and I looked at him.

"You should stop wasting and buy what is necessary." I said to him.

"I know." He said with a sheepish smile.

"You know about Carson.. if he sees you here-" I said.

"He is throwing a party tonight at his place, so he will be busy today." He said.

My mouth opened and shut because I was lost for words. "How do you know?" I asked Ashton.

"I got the invites from my next door neighbour." He said.

"Oh." I said to him.

"Well, can I come in? I'm starving." He said and I didn't know what to do, so I just let him in, maybe because I'm mad at Carson ? He just left a note with thank you and no explanation why he left so early or maybe I just couldn't say No, again.

Ashton got bento boxes and I looked at him. "Why did you order two anyway?" I said to him.

He smiled sheepishly at me. "I didn't want to eat alone." He said.

"And you decided to come here?"

"I met your room mate in the morning when she was leaving for somewhere and she said she feel guilty leaving you behind." He said.

I nodded my head. Skylar had to tell him of all the people and now if Carson gets to know, he will again start a fight.

'He cannot decide for you.' My brain said and I agree with her.

"What else are you planning to do today?" He asked and I tried to come up with any excuse that may help me to get away from any situation, but I failed miserably coming with an excuse and I said,

"Just hanging around." I said.

"That's great! Then help me do something." He said and I looked at him curiously.

"With what?" I asked him.

"I am volunteering at somewhere this week and I have to pack gifts. I need some help." He said.

"Volunteering?" I repeated his word.

"I know it sounds unbelievable, but I am not lying." He said.

"Sure." I said to him before I could take back my words.

"Thanks! They are going to deliver soon, so I will tell them to deliver here.Is that fine with you?" He asked me.

"Yup. Absolutely." I said.

Around 2 something, some people came to deliver huge boxes. In total it was 5 and I was just standing with my one hand on my face and the other on my waist. I have no idea where to start with considering the amount of things around the room. There was colourful paper bags, scissors,tapes and ribbons.

"Well, we can start unboxing them." He started and I agreed with him. There was notebooks, some stationaries items, small stuff toys and finally some note with motivational quotes.

I didn't question him about where he was going or anything, but I just did what he was trying to do, by helping him.We put some materials each on the paper bags and then finally transfer them to a huge cardboard box. We actually had fun while packing those with music playing behind us. Ashton is actually a really relaxed person compared to Carson. I wanted to smack myself because I keep comparing people with Carson and it is making me insane.

Ashton knows how to have fun even with little things. He pull up random jokes and laugh. I won't lie but I enjoyed his company. Carson did not even show up or text me which I was not at all surprised about.

I opened some snacks for us while doing it. Ashton put two cheetos sticks to his mouth end and said he is a 'vampire' it did sound lame, but his facial expression was funny. I laughed out loud and he grinned at me.

"I can't cook. If you want to have instant food, I actually can cook then" I told him honestly.

"I won't even say that I am a good cook" Ashton said. "But I can try."

"What should we make then?" I asked him once we wrapped up everything.

"Spaghetti and Meat balls." He said.

"I am not sure if I have all the ingredients." I said to him as I opened the cupboard.

"That's fine. I do have all of them." He said. "Whatever you don't have I can get it from my room."

We checked and the only ingredient we were missing was the spaghetti noodle itself. Ashton teased that how am I suppose to eat spaghetti when I have the sauce and no noodles as he walked to the door.

"I will be right back." He winked as he opened the door and walked out, he shut the door behind him.

Minutes later, the bell rang and I went and opened the door.

"Did you find one already?" I asked without looking at the person and when I did I see a confused Carson standing outside with Kyle beside him.

"Find what?" Carson asked looking at me with confusion.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, if you enjoyed the chapter please give it a Vote and share this book with other readers. Next update for this book is tomorrow. Happy readings!

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