Chapter 15

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The house was stunning even in the daylight I see two fountains right in front of the entrance that leads to the house. The first fountain is in the drive way and there is staircase you have to climb to go towards the entrance which in the middle also have a mountain. It is bigger compare to Kyle's and Elliot and I looked at him in disbelieve. He is super rich like I know he is rich, but I didn't know he was this rich. We entered the iron gate and was greeted by some people. Carson said he wanted to get a car to go out and one of the man wearing the security uniform asked him to wait as he is sending someone to get a car.

Carson was given a list which later I found out was the cars that he owns and they want to know which car he wants to use. This is crazy and Carson chose a Mercedes  car and we stood near the gate to wait for the car that he asked for.

The car was a sleek black Mercedes AMG-GT. Carson thanked the man who drove the car here and to the man who helped him get the car before he looked at me and said to get on because he is hungry too.

The car was smooth and smell of mint and him. He drove smoothly around the neighbourhood. The area was beautiful with beautiful home than before as we passed by and exited to the Main Street and towards the more normal houses that I am used to seeing.

Our exercise session did not turned out that great because we hardly walked any according to Carson while I think I had enough for a day.

Carson took us to a breakfast restaurant that is suppose to sell the best breakfast in the city.

Carson must be a regular because the people knew him and they welcomed him warmly. People turned to look at him and I would have too because he looked like a model entering for a photoshoot even though he was just wearing gym clothings. A middle aged woman came and smiled warmly at Carson and said,

"Regular place?"

Carson give her a genuine smile and said, "Hey Laura, regular please."

The woman took us to the very end booth near the window.

"Carson, your girlfriend?" The woman asked smiling warmly at me.

"Just friend." He said surprising me because he have been lying to bunch of people of us and this time he was honest about it, it felt weird.

The woman passed me the menu and said. "My name is Laura." She said and I smiled back at her and introduced myself.

"Just the regulars for me." Carson said not even looking at the menu and looked at me to see if I am ready to order.

I scanned through quickly and Laura suggested, "You want to try our famous House's platter."

I smiled at her and nodded my head. "Any allergies that I should know of?" She asked.

I looked at Carson who was busy typing on his phone. "Peanut Butter." I whispered and Laura nodded her head.

"Would you like to have coffee or milkshake?" She asked.

"You have strawberry milkshake?" I asked excitedly.

She laughed and said they do and she said she will be bringing our drinks first.

Carson was still typing in his phone while I scanned and look around the small diner area. It was definitely busy with lots of people.

Carson put down his phone and looked at me with curious eyes. "What is your plan for today?" He asked.

"I don't know." I said honestly.

He nodded his head. "No more wild parties." He said and I raised one of my eye brow at him.

Just then Laura came with our drinks and Carson's regular was a chocolate smoothie. When Laura walked away I said, "I can do whatever I want."

He glowered at me and said, "It is not whatever you want. You have to think about others too." And he took a sip of his drink.

"What do you mean?" I said sitting up straight and focused my attention on him.

"You have to think about Kyle, Elliot and me. We keep coming in to help you." He said.

My eyes widened in shock and annoyance. "You are blaming me? I-It's not like I - we never asked for your help."

Carson did not answer or say anything back and I was fuming. "You think we are asking for your help?" I said.

"Well, you two and more specifically just you, fall into way too much trouble that I have to step in."

"Stepping in on your own is another thing." I said glaring at him as I took my things and stood up.

"Where are you going?" He asked with a frown.

"Home." I said and I turned back just in time to see Lauren with hands full of plates and she looked at me and her eyes widened.

"Your food is here." She said quickly. I give her an apologetic look and said,

"Something came up. Carson will have the food." I said and she looked confused as I rushed out from the place and I heard Carson telling Laura he will be back later.

"Hey, you don't even know where we are." He pointed out as he tried to catch up with me. It was not hard to catch up with me considering he is an athlete and have long legs.

"I will figure out." I said. He pulled me by my jacket hoodie and I scowled at him.

"I know you can figure out, but right now I'm hungry." He said.

"Then go and eat. It's not like I am stopping you and it's not like I am asking for any help." I said.

He smiled at me. A smile that shows his dimple.

"Tracy Williams, where were you all this time?"

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book. Please give this book a vote and share it with other readers. If you haven't read our other book, 'Beautiful You.' You can find it in our profile. Next update for this book will be on Monday. Happy readings!

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