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My phone was buzzing at 6am. I groaned and grabbed it. "Austin's calling" I said to Rain even though the sound didn't even phase her sleep. "Hey what's up" "Hey sleepy" he said and I smiled a little. "Do you want to come over today?" I looked at Rain. "Sure. I'm at Rains right now but I can leave when she wakes up." He did a laugh. "Is that scooby doo in the background?" I got a little embarrassed I was watching a kids tv show. "Yeah. we started watching the movies then at 4am I thought it would just be fun to buy the whole series." Austin laughed through the phone. "I love you so much" Is the words he chose to say. "Love you. See you in a couple hours" He made a kissing noise then hung up. I got up and started getting ready. I started doing my makeup and sat on the couch waiting for Ray. She woke up as I was putting on mascara. "Good morning" I smiled. "Are you seeing Austin today?" She eyed my makeup. "Yes i'm going over when ever you want me too." She smiled and got up. She sat back down and turned on the tv. She looked at me as I was putting my makeup away. "Did you buy every season of scooby doo." I smiled and tried to act like I didn't hear her. "Tay" she hit my arm. I laughed. "Sorry about that" she laughed and put the remote down. "You are never allowed to stay the night again" We both laughed and hugged on to each other. We watched scooby-doo for a couple of hours. At noon I realized I should probably go. "Call you tonight?" I asked as I was walking out. She nodded her head and I got in my car. I called Austin. "Hey babe" he said. Hearing him say babe just made me feel so happy. "Hi,i'm on my way" I didn't see his face but I knew he was smiling. "Yay cool" he said. "I'm going to stop at Dunkin. Do you want anything?" He took a second to reply. "egg and cheese on a croissant." I made a mental note of what he ordered. "coming right up" I joked. "Hurry up and get here though I miss you so much." I smiled and started blushing. "You're so lame" I said as a joke. "What I can't miss my girl." I smiled and I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "I love you more than you know." He let out one of the same chuckles. "I'm at dunkin i'll be there soon." "Love you T" He said before I hung up. I went and ordered the coffee and his egg and cheese croissant. I finally pulled up to his house. I knocked on the door and soon a tall goofy hot guy was at the door. "Door dash delivery girl is here" He yelled as if someone was home. I laughed and handed him the food. "Have a nice day sir" I was about to walk away down the steps because delivery girls don't go inside. Before I got too far he grabbed my arm and turned me around. He got a inch away from my lips. I could feel his breath on mine and I craved him. "You're kinda cute,want to come inside" I smiled. And leaned in. He pressed his lips harder into mine. His lips were soft. It was like he was putting a fire out on my mouth. He walked me inside and we sat on the couch. He started eating and I drank my coffee and watched him. "How was rains last night?" He asked and started watching me. "It was actually very good. She was a little upset at first but once I explained everything it was pretty good." He smiled and took another bite. "good" he said. We turned on orange is the new black. He sat next to me and grabbed my hand. I lay my head on his neck and cuddled under the blanket. "I love you" He said and kissed my head. We stayed on the couch all day laughing and watching a tv show. It was getting late and I started to think I should go. Austin probably didn't want me staying that late. I grabbed my keys and purse and hugged him. "I'll try to stop by tomorrow" He looked sad for a minute. "you don't have to go if you don't want to." I looked at him in disbelief. Does he really want me to stay? I studied his face. "Are you 100% sure?" He smiled. "Yes T i'm 100% sure I want you to stay." I smiled and sat my keys and purse down. "Can I sleep in your bed?" Austin laughed and pulled me in for a hug crashing me down on the pillows and couch. "you're so cute. of course you can sleep in my bed." I smiled and scooted into his arms. "I don't have anything here with me." Austin smiled. "We can drive to your house ORRRR" he dragged out the or. I looked at him wondering what he was going to say. The drive to my house was 30 minutes and I didn't feel like doing both. "You can wear my shirt and you can use water to take your makeup off." I smiled and wanted to kiss him so bad. "YES" I yelled almost too excitedly. He kissed me so hard. He walked me to his room and I went threw his clothes. "Oh yeah just look in my closet. it's not like I have a dresser with pajamas." I smiled but didn't stop looking. I found a shirt on a hanger that was yellow and red. I liked the red so I decided it was the one. I took off my shirt and put that one on. It smelt just like him. It came below my knees so it was super oversized but super warm. I kept putting it up on my nose so I could smell him at all times. I walked over to the door were he was standing. He smirked. "What?" He looked me up and down. "You look so perfect in my clothes." He kept looking at me and smiling. "Take a picture it will las longer." He smiled and put his phone facing me. I smiled and blew a kiss. "Perfect" he said. I kept my shorts on that I had but walked in his bathroom. "What about a tooth brush?" He looked at me. "Can you miss one night?" I rolled my eyes. "I guess it's worth it." I went in his bathroom and took my makeup off the best I could. I had on a red scrunchie so I put my hair in a loose ponytail. I walked out and Austin was already in bed. I walked in and went under the covers. "I like this" I say as I snuggle closer to him. "I love this" he replies I lay my head on him and take in the smell. I love his smell. I love his bed. I love him. He kissed me softly and told me goodnight. I rolled over and he wrapped his arms around me. "I love you" I said right before falling asleep. "Love you most" he replied leaving me in a warm loving feeling.

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