Chapter 20

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With Natalie's help, I was able to find Chester's private documents. It appeared that Chester had someone follow the Nesqian crime lord back to his hideout so that after the Princess was ransomed off, Chester and his men could attack for the gold.

And they say there's no honour among thieves, Cathy had said sarcastically.

The rest of the night was a chance to celebrate in luxury as we ate and drank as much of Chester's food as we could. We removed the dead bodies from the crew quarters and spent the night sleeping in warm soft beds.

The next morning, we filled our packs with the food and equal shares of the gold and headed out into the morning sun. Disguising ourselves as bandits again, we retraced our steps through the countryside back to the great city of ThurlbornPeak. Under the evening sun at the outskirts of the city, Aaron and I quickly changed back into our normal clothes while Natalie wrapped her head back up into her headdress and scarf.

"I've got to meet my appraiser," Natalie said as she finished tucking in her scarf. "I'll meet you by the docks."

"I'll come with you," Aaron said, stuffing both our sets of bandit gear back into the pack. "Andy can handle the King on his own."

Because things went so well last time, Cathy chuckled.

"Just be quick and quiet," Natalie said to Aaron before turning to me. "Good luck up there, 'Demon'. See you at the dock."

"Back to mocking me, are we?" I asked, adjusting my hat.

"You wear the hat, you get mocked," she answered as she and Aaron headed for the city.

I shook my head before following them at a distance, we split ways in the market and I headed for the Stairway of Kings. The guards that protected the Stairway were different this time and I stopped when one raised his hand.

"What business do you have at the Stairway of Kings?" the guard asked in a proud voice.

"It owes me gold," I answered in an equally proud voice.

The second guard snickered but tried to keep it hidden when the first guard stared at me. "I beg your pardon?" he asked.

"And you may have it," I said closing my eyes and raising my hand. "For I am Second Keeper Holcombe and I grant pardons to those who seek them."

The second guard laughed harder and when I opened my eyes the first guard was starting to turn red in the face.

"Oh, calm down," the second guard said to the first guard before turning to me. "Do you have business in the castle, Mage?"

"Yes I do," I smiled politely.

"Go ahead then," the second guard said, motioning with his thumb behind him.

"You need to relax more, Larry," the second guard said to the first as I started to climb the stairs. "Things like this won't keep happening then."

Cathy laughed. It's too late for 'Larry'. The stick is planted too firmly up there.

I chuckled softly and kept climbing the stairs.

I have a quick question for you.

OK, Cathy replied.

When I was fighting the possessed Mage, you were worried that we would both die...

Of course... Cathy said, waiting for my question.

But if I died, wouldn't your soul be free from mine because it is immortal?

I could feel Cathy hesitate before she finally answered. I'm not too sure that it would. Our souls are intertwined and therefore could be treated as one soul. There is a real possibility that when you die, I die.

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