Chapter 12

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"What do you mean, 'not quite'?" Aaron asked.

"I know them but I don't," I said as I approached the bodies.

I crouched down to check on the nearest body. His eyes were blank orbs staring upwards towards something only he could see. The robes were purple and bore the mark of the School of the Spiritual. All the bodies wore the same robes except one. She wore the blue and red robes of the School of the Elemental.

"Care to elaborate?" Aaron asked annoyed as he approached me from behind.

I sighed. "These are Mages from the Order. The ones wearing purple are from one school and the red and blue girl is from another. But I have never met any of them personally. That's how I know but don't know."

"Alright, alright, keep your robe on," Aaron said as he looked through the woods. "So what attacked them?"

"Each other, it seems," I said pointing out the burn marks on the trees and rocks. "The purple robes were ambushed by the red and blue robes."
He gave me a weird look. "Why would they fight each other?"

I stood up. "Rivalry."

I could feel Cathy searching my memories.

This isn't going to go well in your Order, Cathy chuckled. Should make things more interesting though. I'm sure old Larose isn't going to be too happy.

The Ousting ceremony will be called when he finds out.

We better leave then so it doesn't look like we killed them, Cathy said.

Good idea.

"We have to go," I said a little panicked.

"Why, what's up?" He asked worried.

"I'm not in a hurry to be found with five dead Mages plus..." I trailed off as I felt something in my mind. I searched the area with my mind and felt the presence of six minds coming towards us. They weren't human minds and it took a second longer then I would have liked to figure out what they were.

"Wolves," I said. "Six coming at us fast."

"Hurry then," Aaron said as he turned to run back the way we came.

"If we run they'll catch us," I said, searching the trees for movement. "Ready your bow."

Aaron drew his bow and scanned the trees as well. I raised my hands and waited.

This is a good opportunity to use that Nature Magic you learned, Cathy suggested.

I forced some power through my body searching for the aura of the trees. When I could feel it, I connected with it and the trees branches started to move.

Aaron drew a sharp intake of breath and frantically tried to aim for the moving trees.

"Relax," I whispered. "It's just me."

I saw a flash of movement and commanded a tree to lash out at it. A thick branch swept the ground where I had seen the movement and a wolf cried out in surprise. I commanded the other trees to do the same to draw them out so Aaron could shoot them. Sure enough, a wolf leaped out into the opening to escape one of the branches. An arrow cut through the air catching the wolf in the neck. It thrashed and stumbled before collapsing to the ground.

"Five more," Aaron grunted as he drew another arrow.

Three wolves jump out into the clearing and faced us with bared teeth. I released my power from the trees and refocused my energy as they slowly starting stalking towards us. The one I guessed was the leader was walking boldly towards us ahead of the two others.

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