Chapter 16

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We picked up our bags from the inn and immediately headed out of town. Natalie's goal was to get past as many of the guard patrols as possible before sunrise but Aaron and I were already tired after the day's events. The adrenaline from the fight outside the pub was only going to last for so long.

We found an abandoned cave off the main road that the map had marked as safe and made camp inside. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep. Shortly after I closed my eyes, Natalie's boot was waking me up again.

"Wake up already," Natalie said with another kick.

Set her on fire so I can sleep! Cathy groaned.

"What's your hurry?" I hissed sitting up. "As far as we know, Mongoose isn't expecting us."

"He knows all the tricks of the trade," she said. "Don't worry; he'll be expecting us before we get there."

"Well, we'd move faster if we weren't dodging every outpost," Aaron said as he gathered his belongings. "What's so bad about bumping into one of them?"

"I'm a wanted woman," Natalie said. "It's no biggie for you but I'd rather not go to jail...again. If you're assaulting Chester's place I want in on that action."

"Fair enough," I said as I shouldered my pack and put on my hat. "Let's start walking again."

"What did I tell you about that hat?" Natalie said crossing her arms.

"You wouldn't be caught dead with someone wearing a hat like this," I recited.

"Exactly," she nodded.

"Then don't die and whatever you do, don't get caught," I countered as I left the cave.

"That Mage friend of yours is going to get a boot to the mouth one day," I heard Natalie say to Aaron as I distanced myself from the cave.

I stretched out my joints and pulled out my two maps, the one the Keeper had given me and the one from the hunter. Natalie had been excited when she saw the maps and immediately plotted our route. Having her as our guide took a lot of trust but seeing as Aaron hadn't traveled this far south and this was my first time leaving the Tower, we were stuck with her. For all we knew she could be walking us around in circles.

I constantly checked the Keeper's map hoping to spot one of his landmarks but there wasn't much detail for where we were. The Carendath Mine was outside the village of Malkia but to avoid the patrols we needed to head through an abandoned stone quarry that had become a home for outcasts and bandits. Knowing our new 'attack first ask questions later' friend, it wasn't going to be a simple walk.

If it was meant to be simple the Keeper would have done it himself, Cathy pointed out.

Hmm, good point.

Besides, she started, where is that fire for justice from earlier? You're not wussing out on me already?

No...Just...cold feet...

"Ready to go?" Aaron asked as he joined beside me.

"Is the 'Princess' ready to walk us in another circle?" I asked.

"You better be happy I don't walk you off a cliff, 'Demon'," Natalie said still mocking me with that name. She passed us and headed through the forest.

"Take it easy on her," Aaron said softly. "She IS trying to help you."

I sighed. "I know. I just can't shake the feeling that we're being played. I can't let my guard down and neither should you."

We started after her as we noticed that she was starting to get too far ahead.

"Trust her a little bit," Aaron said.

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