Chapter 9

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The Keeper's pack of 'basic supplies' was just that: a sleeping roll and some provisions. I grabbed a couple of robes and my tome of spells and rituals to fill out the empty spaces. When I was ready, I headed down the staircases to the ground floor. I was a little out of breath by the time I made it to the front door.

And to think, I have to trek across the countryside. I can't even handle the stairs.

I thought running away from every fight you've ever been in would have left you in better shape, Cathy pointed out.

You make me sound like a coward.

She chuckled. Aren't you?

I sighed and opened the front door. The Keeper was standing just outside looking over the landscape. I walked up to him trying not to breathe too heavily.

"The Archanion Field," the Keeper said dreamily as I stopped beside him. "How I wish I could walk through it one more time."

I looked out over the lush green grass and the rolling hills of the Archanion Field. It was a beautiful sight to see and I was amazed that such a place could exist just outside the Tower without me noticing.

The Keeper shook his head and turned to look at me. "Now, this is your first time out here, isn't it?"

"Yes," I answered.

"So you'll need this," he said as he pulled a rolled scroll from the inside of his robe and handed it to me. "This is my map of Kalenden. It will show you the best routes to get to each region as well as some small towns that you should be able to get supplies from, which reminds me." He pulled out a small coin purse and tossed it my way. "It's not a lot but it should get you by until you can sell the equipment of the first bandit stupid enough to try and attack you."

I grimaced and looked up at him.

"Don't give me that look," he said. "If bandits wanted to keep their equipment they wouldn't attack us. It's not like anyone is going to miss them anyway."

"I don't know how prepared I am to kill someone," I said.

"Trust me," the Keeper started. "When it comes to a life or death situation you'll make the right choice."

"Is there anyway I can back out of this?" I asked.

Coward, Cathy scoffed.

"Sorry, Andy," the Keeper said sympathetically. "You need to do this. Like I said, I would go myself but I'm too old now. Trust in yourself. You'll be fine."

I nodded glumly. "OK, Keeper."

"Jacob, my boy, no need for formalities," he smiled warmly.

I put the map and coin purse into my robe pockets. "I guess the Teachers taught me something after all. Always call the elders by their title."

"HA!" he laughed. "Good to see the education system is at least partially effective."

I rearranged the pack on my back and let out a breath. "Wish me luck."

He smiled. "You'll do fine. I'M the one that has to climb all those stairs again. Imagine what I have to go through."

I laughed. "Don't overwork yourself, Jacob."

"Don't do anything stupid, Andy," he smiled.

"Now, you're starting to sound like the Teachers," I said.

"Bah!" he exclaimed. "That's my cue to leave then."

He shuffled into the Tower and shut the door. I turned around and started walking the trail. I pulled out the map to study it. This trail would lead to 'the Crossroads' and I could head into Balendar from there. If the Staff was going to be the easiest one to get then it was the logical place to start.

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