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Betty's PoV

I avoided his question.

"Can I stay with you tonight?"

"Yeah sure betts, are you okay?" He asked while kissing my forehead.

"Yeah I-I am f-fine" I managed to get out with a quivering voice.

"How did this happen?"

"I...I walked into the lamp." He just raised his eyebrow at my in disbelieve .

"Well we better be getting back to the trailer." And with that he slowly picked me up bridal style from where I was lying on the floor and carried me outside to FP's truck. I layed down in the back seat as the bruises and cuts were now starting to sting on my flesh more and more and the pain was getting greater and greater.

We arrived at the trailer and I sighed with relief that I was finally away from. her. I clambered up the stairs and Jughead opened the door for me.

"Just lay on the sofa while I go get the first aid kit."

"O-okay" I said while painfully laying down.

I suddenly heard Jug's phone ring. "Hello" there was a pause. "GODDAMMIT SWEETPEA!" he exclaimed while slamming the kitchen cupboard shut. I brought my knees up to my chest and buried my face and sobbed harshly in pain. I didn't want to be hit again. I was finally safe. Please don't be like her.

Jughead's PoV

My phone rang its usual chime in my back pocket. "Hello"

"Jug it is Toni. I don't have much time to talk but I just wanted to say that Sweet Pea trashed your bike."

Are you kidding me?

"GODDAMMIT SWEET PEA!" I said while slamming the kitchen cupboard door shut in rage. I hung up the phone and turned to Betty.

My heart shattered when I saw her. She was curled up in a tight ball. With her head buried into her knees. I could hear her loud sobs and came over to her. I placed my arm on my back to assure her that it will be ok. But she just flinched viciously and started muttering

" Please don't hurt me. Don't. Please. I just got away from her not you too."

It felt like my heart was pulled out my chest and stamped on. I was so angry that I could upset her like that. But then I had to rethink what she said. Who's her? Why was she worried I would hurt her?

I placed my hand on her tightly clenched fist. I slowly uncurled it. Luckily she hadn't done any damage yet.

"Betts, I aren't going to hurt you. Now can you tell me why you thought that"

She let out a shakey breath and just burried her head in my chest. We sat there for a bit till I finally broke the silence.

"Betts can I see your back?"

She looked up at me with red, puffy eyes. She shook her head.

"Why not?" I needed to know what was wrong with her. Betty was normally strong, so I had to find out what was wrong.

"She will hurt me if I tell anybody." Another tear slipped down her cheek.

"Who will?"

"I can't say"

"Betty let me look at your back" She just weakly nodded and lifed up her shirt to reveal what words couldn't even explain.

(A/N: Hi guys!!! Sorry I haven't posted in forever. I am doing my End of year exams so I haven't had time to write. We are at 91 reads and I couldn't be any happier. Thankyou so much!! Love you all and I hope you enjoyed the chapter Xxx💕💫)

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