"Well, I glad that you guys are finally together," Gigi began as she turned to face her boyfriend. "And I'm fucking pissed that you didn't tell me!" Mason scratched his head nervously and stared at the table, as if it was the most fascinating thing he saw.

"Bro code babe," he answered, causing the other guys to nod in agreement.

Gigi, exhaled and leaned against him, "bro code my ass."

The rest of the lunch period turned out to be ok now that Daniel and I told our group about our relationship. As we talked about whether the tomato could be considered a fruit, a debate that Alex started. During the humorous debate, I felt my phone buzz against my leg and pulling it out, my stomach dropped.

1 day left for a whole year of sobriety!


But that wasn't the only thing I received. Below the notification, a message from was shown from the last person I expected to send it. Fearing that Daniel could see it, whether it was accidental, I refused to let him know about it. Standing up, I began to head outside, only for a hand to stop me causing me to jump.

"You okay?" Daniel asked concerned.

"Yeah, it's nothing," I dismissed. "I'm just going to the bathroom."

Daniel nodded and let go of my hand, without hesitation, I left the hall and headed out side to open the message.

Unknown: Tomorrow marks the death of your friend, What was her name again? Anyways, I miss your friends, shame, she was good in bed. Here's the evidence if you didn't believe me...

I clicked the picture and nearly dropped my phone in shock and disgust. A naked Emilia was lying on the mattress with the sheets barely covering her. Another was sent from Matteo. Shaking, I unlocked my phone and as soon as I saw the message, I dropped my phone.

Unknown: You believed the rumours weren't true... Apparently I was going to be a father.

Emilia...was pregnant?

Oh my God.

So the rumours were true.

Vile rose up to my throat as I ran towards the closest tree. As I threw up, I felt the tears stinging in my eyes, wanting to be released. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and picked up my phone as I looked around to see who watched me. Once the coast was clear, I headed home.

Halfway through, I felt my phone buzz alongside the song Heart Shaped Box, picking it up I saw it was Daniel. Crap. I haven't told him that I left the school property. I lead out a shakey breath and accepted the call.

"Hey," I whispered.

"Astrid," He sounded relieved. "Where are you? Lessons just started! I was looking for you!"

"I'm sorry...I wasn't feeling well."

"I noticed at lunch, like the text you received didn't seem to good. Want me to take you home?"

My hearted warmed up by the fact that he was looking out for me, but at the same time, I didn't want him to. I mean, let's face it, who wants to look out for an ex drug addict?

"No it's fine," I rushed. "I'm already at home."

Before he could complain, I hung up my phone and walked the rest of the journey without looking back.


I looked at my phone to check the time for the hundredth time.


Underneath the time, I read the messages I received from everyone, asking me if I was ok. I responded everyone except for one.


Why? Because I was scared. Scared by the fact that he will look at me differently, causing him to distance himself from and and eventually leave me. Scared that he will think that I will return back to square one. I couldn't let that happen. I can't lose him...

You love him
No I don't
Please, every time you see him you get all cheery...

My mental debate was interrupted by a phone call. Daniel. I sighed and declined the call.


I stared at the screen again and unlocked my phone. Going through my contacts, I pressed my father's and began writing.

Me: I hope you're enjoying your life with the people you love surrounding you. I just hope you'd believe me if I showed you this.

I sent him the picture and lead out a sigh of relief. I was supposed to feel good. Happy even. But I couldn't. There was something in me that didn't allow me to cry with relief now that my father could possibly believe in me after sending him proof of what kind of monster Mateo is. Maybe it was the fact that I ignored almost everyone today, or the messages I received from Mateo. Maybe it was due to Emilia's pregnancy.

The next 60 seconds determined how strong I was throughout the year. How I was able to realise that my coping mechanism didn't help me at all. In fact, it made it worse. Right now, I could be getting high or Matteo could be assaulting me now. But I've escaped. Tears streaming down my eyes as I saw the clock tick.


I've made it.

I could keep it up.

The tears continued to trickle down my cheeks and I looked up and whispered, "I made it."

But the victory was cut short when my bedroom door banged open. Staring in shock, I stared at the figure that walked down the stairs until it stood in front of me.



Hello Specimens!

Missed me?

I know I'm not updating as much as I should!

I will attempt to update more, but, here's the thing.

I'm working the whole July with little kids so it's going to be hectic.

BUT, I will continue to write chapters for you guys!

I love you all!

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