"I hope this is all okay with you, I don't want to interfere if you have anything going on," Abigail ensured. Grace shook her head at the woman.

"No, I've finished the horse deal and got the money, that's all that was going on for me right now. I'm more than happy to help!" Grace beamed. Abigail smiled at her, Hosea clapping his hands together.

"Good to hear! Thank you, Grace," Hosea thanked. The two of them walked off towards Mary-Beth and Tilly who were by the wagons doing some work. Grace sighed, sure she knew the gang had to make money somehow but robberies could go wrong no matter how much they are planned. But this bank, she felt quite confident things would run smoothly with Hosea in charge. She knew Hosea wouldn't go in guns blazing or go in with a simple in-and-out plan. She knew it would be something smart and tactical because Hosea was a born and bred conman. There was no way this would go wrong with him in charge. Exhaustion hit Grace like a train, yawning she began to head for the house. She greeted Jack, placing a hand on his head as she walked past him to the side doors of the house. He grinned happily, continuing to play with his small wooden horse. She grinned, remembering Sean was a fan of collecting small wooden figures too. He gave Jack the horse, it's a shame Jack didn't understand what death meant yet. She doesn't know what Abigail and John told him about Sean but they would have had to make him understand somehow. She couldn't imagine having to tell a child that their uncle or aunt died. Grace walked up the stairs and towards the room she shared with Arthur, opening the door to see him sitting on his cot, writing in his journal. She grinned at the brown haired man who hadn't noticed she was there. 

"When will you let me read that?" She asked with a smile. He looked up at her, grinning before finishing up writing and closing the journal. Grace walked in, sitting down beside him. 

"Over my dead body," he laughed. Grace rolled her eyes, she understood though. Everyone needed some sort of privacy and this was his. "You did well today," Arthur complimented.

"Please, you knocked the bastard out," Grace elbowed his ribs jokingly. They both chuckled, Arthur nodded.

"I suppose so, do you think he's up yet?" Arthur asked. Grace grinned, looking at him.

"With how hard you hit him, he probably won't be up for a whole year," she joked again. Arthur smirked, moving his journal onto the barrel beside his cot. "Sadie's been trying to talk to you," Grace informed. Arthur looked at her, frowning.

"Is she okay?" He asked. Grace nodded.

"I think so. She just wants us to help with Colm when the time is right.I said yes-" Arthur sighed caused her to stop her sentence. She frowned at him. "Are you kidding me, Arthur? This man has done so much shit to this gang and the widow wants help with taking him out and you react like that? Do you not remember he was going to use you as bait-"

"I'm not in the revenge business," Arthur reminded, cutting her off again. "I hate the man, I do. I understand Sadie is grieving but Colm has more numbers than us."

"She just wants to know if she has us by her side if it ever happens, she isn't asking us to go kill him with her," Grace insisted, rewording her words. "Arthur, she needs people more than ever. You know I would do it for anyone so why can't you?" 

"Look, she always has my gun but revenge is a fools game, we all know that," Arthur reminded. "I don't want anymore folk dying."

"No one is dying, not anymore," Grace reminded, grabbing his hand closest to her. He nodded, trying to stay positive also. 

"I'd like to think that but I can't help but worry," Arthur started. "Dutch wants revenge on Bronte, Trelawney is hitting a boat with Javier, Strauss and I tomorrow. It's only going to get more wild from here, these past weeks have been rough but... I can't help but feel like it's not going to get any easier."

"Not to mention the Saint Denis bank," Grace added. Arthur looked at her, raising an eyebrow.

"That's happening?"

"According to Hosea and Abigail. Hosea is planning it so everything should go smoothly. We ain't ever rob from a big city before and the amount of law that got on you three after attempting to rob the train station, I can't even imagine the heat the bank will get. Anyway," Grace sighed. "Abigail and Hosea talked to me just before. They will be getting people to ride in often to scope out the city, figure out when it's best to hit it and how. I'm riding in with Abigail whenever she goes in to help her out, I doubt she needs my help though," Grace chuckled. She has seen the way she gets angry at the others, whether it's John or Micah, it's scary. It's like a whole new Abigail steps out. Arthur laughed with her.

"I don't doubt it," Arthur agreed. That woman could scare of anyone with just one look. "Well, with Hosea doing the planning it should go good. Like Dutch said, once we get the money we're gone and right now, I couldn't agree more with leaving. This country don't want people like us no more."

Grace nodded, squeezing Arthur's hand in hers. She turned to face him. He looked at her before she swung a leg over his lap, moving onto his lap. She grinned down at him, cupping his face with her hands. She got lost in his eyes for a moment before he broke it, kissing her lips. His hands moved up from her hips to her back, pulling her closer to him.   

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