To Become a Father Pt. 1

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I'm so sorry! I didn't realize how late it was! Here's the chapter!

People say that when you become a Father you go through a few trials, like taking care of your significant other while they're pregnant, or helping you're significant other through the adoption process. Tony never went through these trials, and he tends to panic over the slightest things, so today is not the best day.

The court case was today, and Tony, by the graces of God, managed to get out of a few PR meetings early to go hang with (M/N) a bit before they had to go, but you know, it doesn't help when said kid is missing. It also doesn't help that said kid is technically cannibalistic due to a goop alien inside of him. 

Said child and goop alien were actually just outside the tower watering the little flower pots Tony had put out upon (M/N)'s request. (M/N) was talking softly to himself, or to Venom, but no one paid any attention, well, almost no one.

A single spiderling was currently standing across the street watching (M/N) in curiosity. Yeah in New York you're gonna see kids all the time, added to the fact that Peter was still in school he saw kids all day, but you know, this kid was unsupervised and was currently watering plants outside of Stark Tower that definitely weren't there the last time he'd been there.

The kid was cute, big (E/C) eyes, slightly shaggy (H/C) hair, but what was he doing there? Concerned, Peter quickly crossed the street, moving to crouch by the kid. Large (E/C) eyes looked at him for a second or two before going back to their plants.

"Hey," Peter said softly, "I'm Peter, what's your name?" The kid looked at him again, this time keeping his eyes trained. "My names-"

"(M/N)!" Pepper shouted, catching both of their attention. The kid, (M/N) apparently, perked up at the sight of her. "Pep!" he said excitedly, bouncing over to the older woman. Pepper looked at him fondly before sticking her hand out, (M/N) taking it without question.

"You can't run off, your Dad's been worried sick," she scolded lightly, catching Peters attention. "Thank you, Peter, at least he didn't actually run off this time." Before he could reply Pepper pressed a little button on her earpiece, the one that connected her to FRIDAY.

"FRIDAY, could you tell Tony I've got (M/N)," with a nodded she hung up, pulling the young boy into her arms. "Come on Peter, you can come help."

Once again she didn't wait for a response, just started walking away leaving Peter to catch up. Once he did he got to listen to Pepper talk to (M/N) and learned he'd been left out the loop for the last few weeks.

"Pep," the kid, (M/N), whined softly, "the bees..." Pepper looked down at him for a second before looking back to the flowers. "I'll make sure they get watered, alright?" (M/N) seemed happy about that, humming a bit before looking over at Peter.

They were now in the elevator, going up to Tony's floor, but before he could even say anything (M/N) slipped out of Pepper's grip and ran out the doors. Inside of the penthouse was Tony and Rhodes, who were arguing quietly.

"Platypus!" (M/N) said excitedly while running over. Rhodes grinned while he lifted the (E/C) eyed boy up, blowing a raspberry into his cheek. (M/N) laughed excitedly while a black mass rippled out of his skin. It moved to touch Rhodes cheeks, making the man grin a bit more. 

"Well, hello (M/N)," he said at first, then he turned his attention to the black mass, "hello Venom." Tony then came over, stealing (M/N) from Rhodes grip, holding the boy close. 

"Don't do that," he said softly, (M/N) mumbling something into his neck. Peter turned to Pepper in hopes of finding out what was happening, only to find that the woman was gone. Opening his mouth like a fish Peter looked at (M/N), to Tony, to Rhodes. He really didn't know what to do with himself. 

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