Rogue Anger

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This was probably the first, and only peaceful morning Tony had ever had. It was around 10 in the morning, and nothing had happened yet. Yeah, he didn't sleep too well, afraid that something would happen to (M/N), which nothing had.

The young boy was in the same position he had spent most of the night in, curled up against Tony's side, completely swallowed up by the shirt he was wearing. Tony knew he would have to get up soon, he'd have to get some food up to his room, he'd have to get some clothing for (M/N), he'd have to get a room for him also, and the legal papers to adopt him, and a press conference to explain himself...... There was a ton of stuff he needed to get done.

Slowly he extracted himself from (M/N)'s hold, the young boy furrowing his eyebrows a bit but stayed asleep, pulling Tony's pillow to his chest. He looked Hell of a lot healthier than he did last night, that bath really helped, but now he looked a like a bag of skin and bones. It was obvious that he hadn't eaten in quite some time.

As quietly as he could Tony left the room, making sure (M/N) was tucked in before he did, and made his way tot he kitchen. It was mostly bare, there wasn't much in the cupboards except for coffee and a few poptarts that were probably stale by now. 

With a sigh, he started to rub his forehead, his mind running a million miles a minute as he thought about what to do. This is why he didn't hear FRIDAY's warning, why he didn't hear the elevator ding when it stopped at his floor, and why he didn't hear the footsteps getting closer to him until someone put their hand on his shoulder.

With a gasp that could rival a white girl in shock Tony jumped a bit, turning to look at whoever was behind him, only to come face to face with Steve Rogers, the one man he never wanted to see again. Steve was an alright guy if you left Bucky out of the picture, but you know, everything falls apart at some point.

"God, don't do that! I have a heart problem you know!" Tony said in a joking voice, but he wasn't joking. Anytime he was around Steve his heart rate picked up to dangerous levels, he was pretty sure the guy was gonna be the death of him at some point. 

Steve gave him that disappointed look, the "You shouldn't raise your voice at your teammates" look, like that was going to work. Hardly suppressing the urge to roll his eyes Tony clapped his hands together, ignoring the fact that behind Steve was the rest of the gang; Sam, Wanda, Natasha, and Clint, Bucky probably not wanting to deal with Steve's issues.

"Right," Tony said loudly, trying to clear out his nerves, "I'm a bit busy so uh..." Trailing off he looked over to the hallway that leads to his room, hoping that (M/N) was still asleep so he didn't have to deal with this.

Steve's expression seemed to get a bit darker, the man getting far too close for Tony's comfort, but there was nothing he could do about it as of right now. "Tony," Steve said in a voice that you would only use to scold a child, "you won't answer anyone, Pepper keeps on telling us to schedule a meeting with you like you have office hours, what's going on?"

This time Tony did roll his eyes, deciding that (M/N) would be the perfect distraction from this. "FRIDAY," he called out, walking out of the kitchen into the living room, the team following him, "is (M/N) up?"

He could feel Steve look at him, and the glares from Clint and Natasha, but he promptly ignored them, looking up at the ceiling while he waited for FRIDAY to reply. "Sorry sir," she called out, her voice sheepish, "I was helping (M/N) get to the bathroom, but yes, he's been up for a few minutes now."

Tony hummed a nodded, bouncing a bit on the balls of his feet, making him realize he didn't have socks on, the floor was cold. "Right, well, lead him out here once he's done, if you would please." FRIDAY didn't say anything back, but he knew she had heard him, now all he had to do was deal with the rogues in his living room. 

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