Fears of the Interstellar

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Nononono, where was he? Where is this place!? (M/N) could feel Venom trying to calm him down, but it wasn't working very well at the moment. (M/N) had wandered off, as per usual, but this time Tony hadn't noticed in time so now his small child was lost. 

It was just the Tower, but you know, the Tower is huge, and (M/N) is only 4 so he gets lost easily. Venom though didn't. Venom knew exactly where he was, and where Tony was, but (M/N) wasn't exactly paying attention in his panic.

(M/N) had panicked himself into an old conference room, sitting himself down in the corner. If you had walked into the room you wouldn't have noticed him, considering most people wouldn't be looking for a kid when they enter a room, also because Venom was blending them into the shadows. 

Venom had done this before, with an old host, helped them through the panicky mess human beings become. He enjoyed and hated it. He liked it because the human brain when this was happening became a mush of chemical soup served up hot and fresh. Perfect for a being like him. 

He hated it because some of the symptoms transferred over to him. At first, it wouldn't be bad, he's been having a great time eating all of the chemical soup, but then he'd start to feel off, like how a human normally would with dread. His stomach, if he had one, would drop and he'd feel sick all of sudden. Then he'd start to shake. Well, more like vibrate, but he'd shake/vibrate so much that it would force him out of his host's skin.

If he didn't calm (M/N) down then the young boy would be carrying the black goo alien in his hands as they walked around the tower. It probably wouldn't be bad, considering (M/N) was a young boy and young boys always find strange things, but it would be weird for a young boy with tear tracks running down his cheeks to the clutching the goo to their chest.

Yeah, Venom'd better calm (M/N) down.

(M/N) was sitting on the ground, his back shoved into the crack of the corner of the wall. His knees were drawn up to his chest, his arms wrapped around them and his head was buried into his knees.

He was still crying, crying quiet hard, the sleeves of his shirt getting soaked in tears. Venom was already starting to vibrate out, dots of black seeping out of tear flushed skin. It looked like something out of a horror movie, and if anyone had walked in they would have screamed.

(M/N) himself was a mess. His hair was in disarray, sticking up in odd angles, his clothing was rumpled, he was crying, he was tired, he was a mess. All due to taking a nap and then losing Tony in a crowd of people in the Tower.

Venom was a mess due to the panic. He was seeping out of the young boy's skins, coming out in little dots or covering his skin like armor. He had lost control at (M/N)'s back, large tendrils of black coming out. To make sure he didn't lose himself Venom attached the tendrils to the wall behind them, making the young boy look like Slenderman almost. 

The tears were starting to stop, but he was still sobbing, he was dry heaving. Hiccups and gags and sobs filled the room, bouncing off the walls. It was a bad sound, something truly cringe-worthy, but Venom couldn't do anything, (M/N)'s panic was too far gone all ready for him to do anything. 

He was falling out of (M/N)'s body, a mass on the floor next to the quivering boy. He wouldn't disconnect all the way, but there was no way to enter (M/N)'s body again until he calmed back down. 


(A certain strange mans POV)

Tony hadn't been out in a while... And a while was equivalent to about 5 months. Well, Tony had been out, but Iron man hadn't and that was a bit concerning. 

Stephen and Tony had met on a fluke of walking around in the same area of New York when there had been a small attack of something. They had argued for a moment or two then became fast friends, but Tony hadn't been out to the little restaurant they normally met at and the man was a repetitive being. 

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